Alyssa Milano Hurls Vulgar Attack At Trump Over Border Tear Gas Use – The Internet GLORIOUSLY Shreds Her Apart!

The left is so transparent in their selective outrage over the chaos seen Sunday on the southern border as to render their narrative entirely ineffective — except to the lemmings who make up their base.

It’s not surprising that actress/activist Alyssa Milano is unhinged when it comes to her left-wing politics, but her blatant bias — or ignorance — is stunning.

Milano tweeted a profanity-laced tirade against President Donald Trump on Sunday after Border Patrol agents used tear gas and flash bang grenades to push back a mob of violent illegal immigrants crashing the U.S. border.

“You tear-gassed women and children, *sswipe! And on Thanksgiving weekend, you piece of sh*t, *sshole, motherf*cking, evil-creature-person!!

Milano was hysterical because the agents did under President Trump EXACTLY what they did under her messiah, President Barack Hussein Obama.

Five years earlier, to the very day and in the exact area, Border Patrol responded with pepper spray “and other means” to force illegal immigrants charging the U.S. border back into Mexico.

The San Diego Union-Tribune reported on Nov. 2013:

“A group of about 100 people trying to illegally cross the border Sunday near the San Ysidro port of entry threw rocks and bottles at U.S. Border Patrol agents, who responded by using pepper spray and other means to force the crowd back into Mexico, federal officials said.” […]

As the crowd kept advancing and throwing rocks and bottles, she said, more agents came to the scene and used other “intermediate use-of-force devices” to push back the group.


We can only wonder where Milano was as this was happening.

Actually, we do know where she was — on the cover of People Magazine.

Almost to the day.

The hypocrite was sharing her favorite Christmas traditions and other reasons to be festive in a Nov. 27, 2013 People Magazine feature.

But then, social media users were all over the duplicity of Milano’s selective outrage:


Alyssa Milano Hurls Vulgar Attack At Trump Over Border Tear Gas Use – The Internet GLORIOUSLY Shreds Her Apart! Alyssa Milano Hurls Vulgar Attack At Trump Over Border Tear Gas Use – The Internet GLORIOUSLY Shreds Her Apart! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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