Trump's insecurity and 'bullshit' hush money: key takeaways from Stormy Daniels' book

Daniels’ memoir Full Disclosure contains vivid details about Trump’s beauty regime and his rapport with Hillary Clinton

While its level of salacious detail about the sitting president is extraordinary, Stormy Daniels’ memoir also chronicles her career and her life.

Related: Stormy Daniels' tell-all book on Trump: salacious detail and claims of cheating

He was just run-of-the-mill insecure, which I find happens a lot with people with money that they didn’t earn themselves

Related: Stormy Daniels: 'Little girl from Baton Rouge' posing big problem for Trump

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Trump's insecurity and 'bullshit' hush money: key takeaways from Stormy Daniels' book Trump's insecurity and 'bullshit' hush money: key takeaways from Stormy Daniels' book Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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