Sign The New Petition That Calls for the GOP To Start BACKING Kavanugh And Get Him CONFIRMED!

via Truth Feed News:

The voters are furious.

We want our amazing SCOTUS candidate confirmed. We’re done playing Democrat games.

But the GOP is falling for every trick the Democrats throw their way, including the never-ending parade of stall tactics.

Enough is enough.

SIGN THE PETITION BELOW so we can send a CLEAR MESSAGE to every member of the GOP Senate. We are done with games and they better listen to us – the people who actually vote for them — not the Democrats and get on board NOW and vote for Judge Kavanaugh.

The more who sign, the more attention we will get.

Sign the petition HERE.

Please, after you sign, make sure to share this with everyone you know.

Sign The New Petition That Calls for the GOP To Start BACKING Kavanugh And Get Him CONFIRMED! Sign The New Petition That Calls for the GOP To Start BACKING Kavanugh And Get Him CONFIRMED! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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