Open thread for night owls: What will the FBI actually investigate in sexual predation allegations?

Harold Meyerson at The American Prospect writes—What Will the FBI Actually Investigate: As consequence of Republican Sen. Jeff Flake’s unexpected move Friday on the Senate Judiciary Committee—see our earlier coverage here at Daily Kos to get the tangled particulars—Pr*sident Trump has ordered the FBI to conduct an investigation into the regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s alleged sexual predation when he was a teenager:

… what will the scope of the investigation be? Will it concern only Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s charges in the narrowest sense, and therefore come back saying there’s no third-party confirmation for them? Will it talk to the other people in the house where the attempted rape happened that night? Will it go into such contextual matters as whether Kavanaugh was a heavy drinker, and abusive and out of control when drunk?

Whether it goes into such contextual matters is hugely important—because in his testimony Thursday, Kavanaugh asserted under oath that he wasn’t a heavy, abusive, out-of-control drinker. If the FBI reports that he was, then he lied to the committee. If the FBI is instructed not to seek such information and not to include it in its report, however, then the odds of his being confirmed would likely rise. If all the bureau comes back with is a report stating that Ford’s testimony as to what went on in the bedroom can’t be confirmed, the likelihood is that the swing voters—Maine’s Susan Collins, as well as Murkoswki, Flake, and Manchin—will likely take that as a clean bill of health and vote to confirm.



"You know, failure hurts. Any kind of failure stings. If you live in the sting, you will—undoubtedly—fail. My way of getting past the sting is to say no, I'm just not going to let this get me down."                ~~Sonia Sotomayor, 2013



— C H I L I (@heyitschili) September 28, 2018

[The “Hon.” prefacing his name does not stand for “honest.”]


On this date at Daily Kos in 2004—Bush screws national guardsmen:

Mark Goldberg has the scoop:

All full-time military personnel are eligible for the military's TRICARE health plan, as are reservists called up for active duty. After reservists are deactivated, however, they generally lose their TRICARE coverage following a short, transitional grace period. Having the option to buy into the military's the military's TRICARE coverage would be attractive to many reservists and their families. as it offers comprehensive policies at very low cost.

In 2002, a General Accounting Office report found that as many as one-fifth of the nation's 1.2 million part-time soldiers lacked health insurance. This startled many lawmakers into action, and, in May 2003, Senators Tom Daschle and Lindsay Graham successfully pushed for an amendment to the Senate's version of the fiscal year 2004 Defense Authorization bill that would protect reservists from going uninsured by allowing them to buy into TRICARE when not on active duty. [...]

Our National Guardsmen are being asked to sacrifice their lives, jobs and families for Bush's War, yet allowing them to buy into the military's health insurance system is a "troubling provision."

May those assholes rot in hell.


On today’s Kagro in the Morning show: Yes, still more Kavanaugh. Yesterday's hearing was as much about who's allowed to show anger and how, as it was about the facts. Republicans still disbelieve and deny the dynamics of the assault, even as they saw them replayed right before their eyes.

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Open thread for night owls: What will the FBI actually investigate in sexual predation allegations? Open thread for night owls: What will the FBI actually investigate in sexual predation allegations? Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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