After Lyin' Brett and the midterms, we might have our last opportunity to fix the Supreme Court

I have come to three conclusions after the hearings on Thursday, during which Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh testified about her accusation that he sexually assaulted her. The first conclusion is that Kavanaugh loves his children. Another is that Kavanaugh loves his father. A third is that he is a liar. It gives me no pleasure to say that about another person, whatever their political beliefs. But it’s impossible to draw any other conclusion.

There is ample evidence that Kavanaugh had, even before this week’s testimony, lied under oath to Congress on a number of matters relating to his duties in the Bush White House. That record of lying matters when weighing whether he is telling the truth about Dr. Ford’s accusations, and so does the fact that Kavanaugh appears to have lied during his testimony about details such as the meaning of various terms in his high school yearbook, terms that relate to his behavior during those years. He has also lied about being able to drink legally while a high school senior in Maryland, a lie he affirmed during his Senate testimony. Additionally, a Yale classmate named Lynne Brookes, who identifies as Republican, told CNN that Kavanaugh was “blatantly lying” about his drinking during college:

Brookes told [CNN anchor Chris] Cuomo she and “a number” of her Yale colleagues were “extremely disappointed in Kavanaugh’s characterization of himself and the way that he evaded his excessive drinking questions.”

“There is no doubt in my mind that while at Yale he was a big partier, often drank to excess,” she said. “And there had to be a number of nights where he does not remember. In fact, I was witness to the night that he got tapped into that fraternity, and he was stumbling drunk in a ridiculous costume saying really dumb things. And I can almost guarantee that there’s no way that he remembers that night.”

[snip] “I drank to excess many nights with Brett Kavanaugh,” she said.

Liars lie. That’s what they do. They also rehearse and memorize those lies. Notice how Kavanaugh repeated certain stock phrases in various settings about Dr. Ford’s allegations. Let’s look at a couple of examples:

After Lyin' Brett and the midterms, we might have our last opportunity to fix the Supreme Court After Lyin' Brett and the midterms, we might have our last opportunity to fix the Supreme Court Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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