Students ‘Walkout’ Against Gun Violence – Mob Then Violently Assaults A Pro-Trump Student

Minnesota students taking part in the national gun control walkouts on Wednesday allegedly assaulted another student carrying a Trump flag.

According to CBS, the incident occurred outside of Southwest High School and Minneapolis Police are currently investigating the incident as an assault.

Per CBS, two students taking part in the protest allegedly noticed the male victim holding the flag while standing across the street from the school.

After the two approached the victim, six other protesters followed before stealing his flag, damaging his camera and “inflicting minor injuries.”

So far, no arrests have been made in connection to the incident.

Students from all levels of education took part in the nationwide demonstrations protesting the NRA on Wednesday.

In Washington, D.C., students were joined by a slew of liberal politicians including Bernie Sanders, one of the most pro-Second Amendment liberals in Congress.

Sanders called on the protesters to have the “courage to take out the NRA” and force Congress to pass gun control.

Via DailyCaller

by Doyle Alexander via enVolve
Students ‘Walkout’ Against Gun Violence – Mob Then Violently Assaults A Pro-Trump Student Students ‘Walkout’ Against Gun Violence – Mob Then Violently Assaults A Pro-Trump Student Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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