CNN Goes WAY TO FAR! Disgracefully Compares ICE To Nazis, ‘Illegal Immigrants Similar To Holocaust Victims’
CNN is pushing a story that compares ICE to Nazis, citing a Jewish woman who believes that deporting illegal immigrants is similar to actions the Nazis took during the Holocaust.
In a tweet on Thursday, CNN wrote, “A Jewish woman heard an undocumented immigrant and her two daughters were on the run from ICE. Driven by thoughts of the Holocaust, she risked her own comfort to offer them shelter.”
A Jewish woman heard an undocumented immigrant and her two daughters were on the run from ICE. Driven by thoughts of the Holocaust, she risked her own comfort to offer them shelter.
— CNN (@CNN) March 15, 2018
The full article tells the story of a Jewish woman who is hiding a Catholic, Latino family from deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
The article apparently does not feel the need to point out the key differences between Jewish people during the Holocaust and illegal immigrants in the U.S. — chiefly that Jewish people were being exterminated by their own government.
A number of people lashed out at CNN for the offensive comparison.
As the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor, I am beyond offended that you compare the ‘comfort’ ILLEGAL aliens with the stripped right of European Jewish citizens. Shame on CNN.
— Alexandra (@alexkogs) March 15, 2018
How you dare to even compare these is beyond me. Holocaust victims had a right to fear… Death. Illegal immigrants are running from the law. A new lower level of despicable that you have reached. You never cease to amaze.
— Jeanne Boutilier (@mtnest11) March 15, 2018
That CNN would compare an illegal alien family avoiding lawful deportation with the horrors of the Holocaust is absolutely despicable.
— Brittany Hughes (@RealBrittHughes) March 15, 2018
Comparing the Holocaust, in which 1.5 million children were taken from their families and murdered in the most cruel ways to lawful deportation efforts of illegal aliens in America is simply disgraceful.
— Michael A. Koplen (@MichaelAKoplen) March 15, 2018
CNN wins the award for belittling the holocaust and victims of the Nazi regime.
— LJ (@strohsfan) March 15, 2018
Via DailyCaller
by Doyle Alexander via enVolve
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