Mexican Presidential Hopeful Allowed To Campaign In CALIFORNIA – Vows To Dismantle Border Wall And Aid Illegal Immigration!

A candidate running for president of Mexico who slams President Trump and supports illegal immigrants may not seem so unusual.

But where the candidate chose to campaign is more than questionable.

Ricardo Anaya Cortes reportedly took his Mexican presidential bid across the border into California, Fox News reported.

Anaya met with businessmen and activists in Los Angeles, according to the Mexican newspaper Excelsior, calling for protections for illegal immigrants and blasting the U.S. president – while on American soil.

The candidate vowed he would not be on the side of “an American president who has dedicated himself to insulting our community,” and declared that “we are one” as he argued that the Mexican migrant community in the U.S. is not alone, according to Excelsior.

Anaya even met with the president of the University of California – once the Obama-era Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano.

They “talked about the importance of supporting the Dreamers and agreed that Mexican migrants deserve respect,” Anaya said in the tweet.

The candidate, who is from the conservative National Action Party, has criticized Mexican President Peña Nieto for allowing Trump to visit the country in 2016. He has pledged to take a strong stand against Washington and not allow the U.S. to take advantage of his country.

“At the right time I will say personally to the president of the United States, and I will say it in his language so there will be absolutely no confusion … Mexico will not pay a single cent for that wall,” Anaya said.

As California gears up to battle the Trump administration over its sanctuary cities and immigration policies, the fact that a Mexican presidential candidate would cross the border to press state politicians and other officials to protect people living in the U.S. illegally gave Twitter users even more reason to cry, “Build the wall now.”

Via BizPAC

by Doyle Alexander via enVolve
Mexican Presidential Hopeful Allowed To Campaign In CALIFORNIA – Vows To Dismantle Border Wall And Aid Illegal Immigration! Mexican Presidential Hopeful Allowed To Campaign In CALIFORNIA – Vows To Dismantle Border Wall And Aid Illegal Immigration! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 09, 2018 Rating: 5

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