On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher argued the fact that “nobody goes at the 2nd Amendment” is “part of the problem” in the US and questioned whether it is the correct approach to start gun debates with “even the liberal side just bowing down to the 2nd Amendment.”
Parkland shooting survivor Cameron Kasky said, “We’re not targeting peoples’ guns. My father was — my father’s a police officer. His [fellow survivor David Hogg] father’s former FBI. We have guns in our houses. We’re not trying to tear apart the 2nd Amendment. We are just kids begging for our lives, getting murdered in our classrooms.”
Maher responded, “I think that’s part of the problem in this country, is that nobody goes at the 2nd Amendment. Nothing is really going to change unless somebody talks about that. The reason why this country is different is because we treat guns as a right. Other countries treat it as a privilege. And every debate begins with even the liberal side just bowing down to the 2nd Amendment. And I don’t know if that’s the right approach.”
Via Breitbart
by Doyle Alexander via enVolve

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