What Democrats REALLY Stand For…SURPRISED?

Over half of Americans believe that the Democratic Party does not stand for anything except opposing President Donald Trump, according to a new poll conducted by The Washington Post and ABC.

The poll asked a random sample of 1001 Americans: “Do you think the Democratic Party currently stands for something, or just stands against Trump?”

Fifty-two percent of respondents said they believe the party stands for nothing except opposing Trump, while 37 percent said they believed it stood for something more.

The survey, conducted July 10-13, was weighted in favor of Democrats, with 35 percent of respondents identifying themselves as Democrats, while just 23 percent identified as Republican. A further 35 percent identified as Independent.

Since Donald Trump’s inauguration in January, Democrats have coined themselves as members of a “resistance” against his policy agenda, but special election results suggest the party’s resistance message has failed to cut through with voters.

In June, the Democratic Party kicked off what it called a “Resistance Summer” featuring “house parties” with DNC Deputy Chairman Keith Ellison.

“The best way for Democrats to turn the #Resistance into electoral wins is by doing one thing: organizing,” Ellison said in a press release at the time. “Resistance Summer is the starting point and will take the Democratic Party’s message of fairness and equality to activists on the front lines and all Americans looking to get engaged.”

However, as Breitbart’s Joel Pollak has asserted, the resistance message could win Democrats back control of the House if they can effectively organize as a political force outside the traditional party structure, especially given data showing that the Democratic base is more active and engaged than their Republican counterparts.

(via: Breitbart)

by Thomas Robertson via enVolve

What Democrats REALLY Stand For…SURPRISED? What Democrats REALLY Stand For…SURPRISED? Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on July 18, 2017 Rating: 5

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