Something has to be done.
A 37 year old woman was found dangling from the border fence while crossing near Tucson, Arizona with her pals, who climbed back over the fence into Mexico.
According to U. S. Customs and Border Protection officers:
“Agents patrolling the border east of Nogales witnessed two smugglers attempting to lower the woman into the United States from Mexico using a harness and hoist rope. When agents approached, the woman attempted to climb back over the fence into Mexico but the smugglers left her hanging.
Responding agents found the woman suspended approximately 15 feet above the ground and called the Nogales Fire Department to get her down.
The woman was uninjured and is now being processed for immigration violations.”
What do YOU think. Should she be processed for immigration violations?
Despite critics, Trump vows to build a “great border wall … and we will stop the drugs that are pouring into our country and poisoning our youth …”. This illegal immigration is a risky business. As seen above! And the sooner the wall is built the better. Funding ideas include paid advertising on the wall … even lists of private donors!
What do you think? Would you be willing to donate $20 to get this wall built?
(via: Conservative Post)
by Thomas Robertson via enVolve
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