Kansas’ Democrat governor bucks Biden’s vaccine mandate

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly (D) has turned against President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for businesses, saying that it’s not the “most effective” or “correct” for her state. 

According to Fox News the Democratic governor made a surprise statement about the executive orders that have been handed down from the White House that would inhibit businesses from carrying on as usual unless their workforce is vaccinated against coronavirus: 

“Yesterday, I reviewed the new vaccine mandate from the Biden Administration,” Kelly said in a statement on Friday.

“While I appreciate the intention to keep people safe, a goal I share, I don’t believe this directive is the correct, or the most effective, solution for Kansas,” she said. 

“States have been leading the fight against COVID-19 from the start of the pandemic. It is too late to impose a federal standard now that we have already developed systems and strategies that are tailored for our specific needs,” she continued. 

The Kansas Democrat’s issue was with a directive by the White House that targets businesses with 100 employees or more, requiring them to enforce a vaccine policy beginning Jan. 4 of 2022. 

However, if recent court decisions hold, it might not just be Kansas that won’t be adhering to the mandate. 

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided just days ago that the emergency stay put on the vaccine requirement by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration should be upheld. 

Many in more conservative states are delighted to hear that Biden’s plan has been put on hold, including Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry who said that the 5th Circuit’s decision stops Biden “from moving forward with his unlawful overreach.”

“The president will not impose medical procedures on the American people without the checks and balances afforded by the constitution,” a statement from Landry, a Republican, said.

Kelly, likely fearful that if the mandate goes into effect some of her citizens will find themselves not in Kansas anymore, said that she will “seek a resolution” to satisfy all parties: 

The governor also said that her administration “continues to recognize the uniqueness of our state and builds on our ongoing efforts to combat a once-in-a-century crisis.” 

The post Kansas’ Democrat governor bucks Biden’s vaccine mandate first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Kansas’ Democrat governor bucks Biden’s vaccine mandate Kansas’ Democrat governor bucks Biden’s vaccine mandate Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 14, 2021 Rating: 5

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