Democratic pollsters discover Biden’s party’s brand is a ‘wreck’ and Democrats are ‘f***ed’ in 2022

President Joe Biden’s approval has been in steady decline over the past several months amid multiple major issues, from the Afghanistan debacle and the unsecured border to rising inflation, supply chain backups and shortages, and the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.

Now, some Democratic pollsters and strategists are warning that those problems — plus Biden’s downward trajectory — could spell certain doom for Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections, and few have any real solutions to avoid the impending electoral catastrophe for the left, The Daily Wire reported.

Nor is it likely that any action from the Democrat-controlled Congress would be sufficient to alter the course, as one polling outfit determined that “the Democratic Party’s entire brand was a wreck,” while a strategist dismissed the House passage of Biden’s domestic spending bill as being “too late” and added of their party, “We’re f****d.”

A smack of reality

Those and other damning revelations of reality were included in a recent Politico article outlining how “broken” the Democratic Party was with less than a year to go until the crucial midterm elections in November 2022.

Those findings were uncovered by multiple Democratic polls and focus groups in Virginia and elsewhere following the rather poor performance of Democrats in the off-year elections held earlier in November of this year, which included a Republican sweep of Virginia and strong showings in other states and regions typically dominated by the left.

A key takeaway was that, above and beyond any particular candidate’s failings or even Biden’s plummeting approval, the Democratic Party itself and its majorities in Congress were viewed poorly and of little actual use to the American people as well.

A big part of that was the people’s perception of the status of the economy — specifically rising inflation and shortages of labor and products on shelves — none of which will be quickly addressed, and could in fact be made worse, by future legislation still under consideration by congressional Democrats.

Dem wipeout coming

Meanwhile, the RealClearPolitics average of polls currently pegs President Biden’s approval at 41.6% and his disapproval at 53.1%, for a net of -11.5%.

Now, consider a Gallup study from 2018 which found that for an incumbent president facing their first midterm election with an approval rating under 50%, those presidents have typically seen their respective party lose an average of 37 seats in the House.

Add to that a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll that found Republicans ahead of Democrats on the generic congressional ballot — 51% to 41% among registered voters — and, paired with the fact that Democrats only hold the majority by a handful of seats, it is clear to see why some Democratic pollsters and strategists are sounding the alarm.

Doubling down

Incredibly, however, the Politico article also revealed that, given the lack of any clear solutions to change this apparent path toward electoral defeat for Democrats, some strategists were insistent that better messaging was all that was necessary and thus encouraged the party to double down on its priority agenda.

All we can say to that is, yes, please continue to run on the same highly divisive, dubiously effective, and unnecessarily expensive platform of social change that has brought Biden’s Democrats to this dismal point thus far.

The post Democratic pollsters discover Biden’s party’s brand is a ‘wreck’ and Democrats are ‘f***ed’ in 2022 first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Democratic pollsters discover Biden’s party’s brand is a ‘wreck’ and Democrats are ‘f***ed’ in 2022 Democratic pollsters discover Biden’s party’s brand is a ‘wreck’ and Democrats are ‘f***ed’ in 2022 Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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