New poll shows Democrats behind in 85 key districts, Pelosi’s speakership in jeopardy

President Joe Biden’s popularity continues to erode, with FiveThirtyEight’s polling aggregate showing that just over half of Americans disapprove of his job performance.

However, Biden isn’t the only politician with polling problems. As Breitbart reported this week, a new survey suggests that Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) speakership is in serious danger.  

Commissioned by the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) between Oct. 16 and Oct. 21, Dems are reportedly lagging behind in 85 battleground congressional districts, which is undoubtedly cause for concern for a number of Democratic candidates heading into the 2022 midterm elections.

“Republicans are leading on the generic ballot and with key demographic groups, like independents and college educated white voters,” the NRCC poll indicated.

Dems in trouble

What’s more, the NRCC survey also found the president is “underwater” among Hispanic and college-educated white voters, showing a deficit of five and three points, respectively.

The survey also concluded that a growing number of people are more likely to trust Republicans over Democrats when it comes to key issues.

Fifty-four percent prefer the GOP on border security, up from 49% who said the same in a similar poll conducted in July.

Meanwhile, Republicans hold an 11-point lead over Democrats regarding jobs and the economy, up from three points during the summer.

Similarly, the GOP has an advantage on rising prices and the higher cost of living. Forty-three percent of battleground voters trust Republicans to handle the issue compared with just 36% who say the same of Democrats.

How many seats?

In fact, 66% expressed the view that the Democrats’ current spending initiatives will cause their cost of living to increase, whereas only 5% said the pending pieces of legislation would do the opposite.

Republicans hold a 13-point lead on which party is better suited to combat crime, while 58% of voters say moves to defund the police have caused violence to escalate in cities across the country.

Those results are likely to strengthen predictions that Republicans will prevail in next year’s midterm elections. Longtime GOP strategist Karl Rove told Fox News last month that “Democrats will lose the House of Representatives no ifs, ands, or buts about it. The question is how many seats they will lose.”

The post New poll shows Democrats behind in 85 key districts, Pelosi’s speakership in jeopardy first appeared on Conservative Institute.

New poll shows Democrats behind in 85 key districts, Pelosi’s speakership in jeopardy New poll shows Democrats behind in 85 key districts, Pelosi’s speakership in jeopardy Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on October 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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