Justice Sotomayor slams colleagues for ‘catastrophic’ failure to block Texas abortion bill

Justice Sonia Sotomayor chastised her colleagues on the U.S. Supreme Court for failing to block a Texas abortion ban, calling the decision “catastrophic.”

The justice’s reaction was reported by The Hill after the court declined to block a Texas law allowing private individuals to sue anyone who “aids and abets” or performs an abortion when a baby’s heartbeat is detectable, around six weeks.

“Catastrophic” decision

The Supreme Court’s September decision to let the law stand sparked a strong response from liberal politicians like President Joe Biden, who called the law “un-American” and promised to fight it with all his might, as Politico reported.

Now, the Supreme Court has satisfied Biden’s request to hear the case on an expedited basis — on Nov. 1 — but they won’t block it just yet.

Sotomayor dashed off a screed inveighing against the court’s move, saying she “cannot capture the totality of this harm” in her seven pages of sentimental wailing.

Texas, she said has so “thoroughly chilled” the right to an abortion “as to nearly suspend it within its borders and strain access to it in other States.”

“The State’s gambit has worked. The impact is catastrophic,” she added.

Justice, or partisan hack?

Sotomayor’s rhetoric is often hard to distinguish from that of leading Democratic politicians, and this is especially the case when it comes to the left’s most important sacrament, abortion.

As she railed against her colleagues, Sotomayor drew inspiration from stale Planned Parenthood talking points, further blurring the lines between Supreme Court justice and partisan activist.

The Texas law, she said, would force women seeking what Sotomayor called “abortion care,” a far-left, activist term for killing babies, to “resort to dangerous methods of self-help” and, she argued, some women who became pregnant when the Texas law went into effect “do not know they are pregnant.”

“None of this is seriously in dispute. These circumstances are exceptional. Women seeking abortion care in Texas are entitled to relief from this Court now,” Sotomayor wrote. “Because of the Court’s failure to act today, that relief, if it comes, will be too late for many.”

Many on the left fear that the Supreme Court may overturn Roe V. Wade after the high court shifted rightward under President Trump. Another major abortion case in Mississippi is set to be heard this December, NBC News noted.

The post Justice Sotomayor slams colleagues for ‘catastrophic’ failure to block Texas abortion bill first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Justice Sotomayor slams colleagues for ‘catastrophic’ failure to block Texas abortion bill Justice Sotomayor slams colleagues for ‘catastrophic’ failure to block Texas abortion bill Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on October 26, 2021 Rating: 5

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