Judge finds male student guilty of sexual assault in Loudon County school bathroom incident

Controversy erupted in Loudon County, Virginia over the summer after an aggrieved father was arrested and smeared for confronting school board members over the alleged rape of his daughter in a school bathroom by a skirt-wearing male student in May.

The Loudon County Public Schools (LCPS) system had initially attempted to cover up and deny the incident, but a Virginia judge just ruled that the teen suspect was indeed guilty of sexual assault, Breitbart reported.

That male student is also facing other charges in a similar but separate incident that occurred at a different LCPS location where he had been transferred instead of facing disciplinary measures or expulsion by the district.

Male student found guilty

The National Review reported that Chief Judge Pamela Brooks ruled in the juvenile court case that sufficient evidence had been presented for her to determine that the accused male student was guilty of committing sexual assault.

The alleged gender fluidity of the male student was not raised in court, but it was confirmed that the charged suspect was wearing a skirt at the time that he forced the female victim to engage in sexual acts with him in a bathroom at the Loudon County school.

That matters because the incident occurred at the same time — and allegedly was covered up and downplayed because of — a new “gender-inclusive” LCPS policy was being implemented that would allow students to use whichever bathrooms or locker rooms that aligned with their particular gender identity and not their biological sex.

Sentencing delayed

Local ABC affiliate WJLA reported that the 14-year-old male suspect was found guilty by the juvenile court judge on multiple counts of forcible sexual assault with regard to the incident that occurred in May at Stone Bridge High School.

Sentencing in the case will be temporarily delayed until an outcome is reached in the separate case involving the same suspect and an alleged sexual battery incident involving a different female student at Broad Run High School in October.

Meanwhile, on the same day that the guilty verdict was handed down, thousands of students at schools across the district conducted a peaceful walk-out in support of the female victims and in protest of the district’s apparent attempts to protect the attacker over partisan policy considerations.

Family lawyers up

The father of the first victim, Scott Smith, had been arrested and charged with disorderly conduct after justifiably expressing his anger at how the assault had been handled at a school board meeting in June, and subsequently became the poster boy for a deeply cynical ploy by the National School Boards Association (NSBA) to portray concerned parents protesting at school board meetings as “domestic terrorists.”

Local CBS affiliate WUSA reported in mid-October that the Smith family intends to file a lawsuit against LCPS over the district’s and school board’s alleged “indifference and negligence” with regard to the impact of its policies and its handling of the assault.

Smith and his attorney are also seeking to legally challenge the “wrongful and unconstitutional” criminal charges pressed against him by LCPS following his arrest at the school board meeting in June, to say nothing of how he was smeared and publicly vilified on the national stage by the NSBA.

The post Judge finds male student guilty of sexual assault in Loudon County school bathroom incident first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Judge finds male student guilty of sexual assault in Loudon County school bathroom incident Judge finds male student guilty of sexual assault in Loudon County school bathroom incident Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on October 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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