Clinton aide Huma Abedin claims in new book that unnamed senator attacked her in 2005

According to the Daily Mail, a long-time aid to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, claims she was the victim of a sexual assault in 2005. 

The outlet reported that Abedin made the bombshell claim in her new book Both/And: A Life in Many Worlds, which is scheduled for release next week.

Unnamed senator

Abedin said the assault occurred in 2005, but she added that she repressed all memory of the incident until allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh caused it to resurface in 2018.

Although she does not name the senator or which party he belonged to, Abedin said the attack occurred during a Washington dinner that she attended with Clinton.

“I ended up walking out with one of the senators, and soon we stopped in front of his building and he invited me in for coffee,” the Daily Mail quoted her as writing. “Once inside, he told me to make myself comfortable on the couch.”

“Then, in an instant, it all changed,” Abedin recalled. “He plopped down to my right, put his left arm around my shoulder, and kissed me, pushing his tongue into my mouth, pressing me back on the sofa.”

Abedin went on to describe feeling “so utterly shocked,” adding, “I pushed him away. All I wanted was for the last 10 seconds to be erased.”

Still friends?

Abedin said the encounter ended when the lawmaker appeared shocked by her response, and she claims he apologized after he insisted he had “misread” their relationship.

“Then I said something only the twentysomething version of me would have come up with – ‘I am so sorry’ – and walked out, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible,” Abedin said.

Abedin contends that she managed to avoid the senator for “a few days” but ultimately ran into him on Capitol Hill. She recalled that he asked if they were still friends before Clinton joined the conversation.

A familiar topic

Clinton is no stranger to claims of sexual assault, as former nursing home director Juanita Broaddrick has long alleged that the powerful Democrat intimated her into staying silent about allegations of being raped by Bill Clinton over four decades ago.

“She grabbed a hold of my arm and my hand and she pulls me into her,” Broaddrick told Breitbart in 2016. “And she says with this very angry look on her face, which had been so pleasant seconds before. And in a low voice, says, ‘Do you understand? Everything that you do.’ And that frightened me.”

The post Clinton aide Huma Abedin claims in new book that unnamed senator attacked her in 2005 first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Clinton aide Huma Abedin claims in new book that unnamed senator attacked her in 2005 Clinton aide Huma Abedin claims in new book that unnamed senator attacked her in 2005 Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on October 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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