Pregnant police officer shot dead by Taliban in Afghanistan, reports claim

A pregnant policewoman in Afghanistan has reportedly been executed by the Taliban.

The grim report, outlined by outlets including the New York Post, is the latest to surface of the Taliban’s brutality after they reclaimed control of the country following the end of a 20-year United States occupation.

Three Arabic-speaking assailants were said to have tied up the woman’s family before committing the brutal “door-to-door” homicide, the Daily Mail reported. According to the BBC, the woman was beaten and shot in front of her husband and children.

Similar incidents have been reported in the weeks since the Taliban came to power in Kabul.

Graphic images shared online

Relatives of Banu Negar, who worked at the local jail in Firozkoh, the capital of central Ghor province, reportedly shared graphic images of the victim, who was eight months pregnant, with her body mutilated and blood splattered on the walls.

At first glance, the story sounds like one of retribution against a woman in a position of authority, but the Taliban denied the claim.

The Taliban, who have said that they are offering an amnesty to their enemies, insisted that her killing was the result of a personal vendetta that had nothing to do with Afghanistan’s new rulers.

“We are aware of the incident and I am confirming that the Taliban have not killed her, our investigation is ongoing,” spokesman Zabiullah Mujaheed said, as the BBC reported.

Repressive rule returns to Afghanistan

The Taliban have promised to govern with a measure of tolerance since returning to power, but Afghans who worked with the United States fear retaliation and many women especially are concerned about the return of sharia law after the Western occupation attempted to liberalize the country.

Women at a human rights protest Saturday were beaten and dispersed with tear gas, Axios reported. “When I tried to resist and continue the march, one of the armed Taliban pushed me and hit me with a sharp metal device,” one woman said.

Needless to say, the effort to turn Afghanistan into a Western democracy has failed tragically, at tremendous human and financial costs to the United States, which is now absorbing thousands of Afghan refugees after two decades spent attempting to defeat the Taliban insurgency.

Afghanistan has suffered greatly as well, and the hardship of the Afghan people appears to be far from over as the barbarism of the Taliban returns in full force to the war-torn nation.

The post Pregnant police officer shot dead by Taliban in Afghanistan, reports claim first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Pregnant police officer shot dead by Taliban in Afghanistan, reports claim Pregnant police officer shot dead by Taliban in Afghanistan, reports claim Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 06, 2021 Rating: 5

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