Washington Post reporter Hannah Dreier was called out on Sunday for posting fake news tweets about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) and his response to the condo collapse in Surfside on Thursday.
Dreier claimed that DeSantis didn’t authorize FEMA to conduct search and rescue efforts for “a full day” after the collapse occurred.
There’s a saying in emergency management: The first 24 hours are the only 24 hours.
FEMA was ready to deploy to the condo collapse almost immediately, and included the crisis in its daily briefing, but didn’t get permission from Gov. DeSantis to get on the ground for a full day. pic.twitter.com/rVmCN47sQJ
— Hannah Dreier (@hannahdreier) June 26, 2021
“There’s a saying in emergency management: The first 24 hours are the only 24 hours,” she tweeted Saturday. “FEMA . . . didn’t get permission from Gov. DeSantis to get on the ground for a full day.”
Fake news debunked
Local political figure and military veteran Jeremy Redfern pointed out that DeSantis had to wait for local officials to declare a state of emergency before he could do so, and that he followed up Miami Dade’s 4:33 p.m. declaration with a statewide one less than an hour later.
Pundit Stephen Miller followed up with his own response: “Washington Post reporter spreading demonstrably false information. Has been corrected several times. Refuses to admit and correct. As I stated earlier, this is no longer a news organization.”
Most convincing of all, the mayor of Miami-Dade, who is a Democrat, confirmed that DeSantis has given full support to local officials.
On Meet the Press, he was asked about the governor and said, “Not only has the state of Florida been here in force (…) we’ve not lacked for any support.”
Old playbook
It’s an old playbook tactic of the left to wait for a disaster to happen and then condemn how a conservative politician handles it.
It worked so well on former President George W. Bush with Hurricane Katrina that they have trotted it out repeatedly ever since, most notably raking former President Donald Trump over the coals about every aspect of his response to the coronavirus pandemic.
It doesn’t really matter that Katrina wasn’t Bush’s fault and COVID wasn’t Trump’s fault: unless a Republican leader manages to save every life and fix every problem instantaneously, they are doing something wrong in the eyes of the left and the complicit media and can be attacked relentlessly for it.
DeSantis is a rising star in the Republican arena and could very well be running for president within the decade; it makes sense that the left would want to pre-emptively destroy him. And until the public begins to see through these unfair tactics, they could unfortunately continue to succeed in doing damage.
The post WaPo reporter issues false tweets about DeSantis response to condo collapse first appeared on Conservative Institute.
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