Poll suggests voters aren’t impressed by Biden’s take on foreign policy

Many in the mainstream media have been quick to praise Joe Biden and his approach to foreign policy following a trip by the president to the G-7 summit in the U.K. and later, to Moscow for a meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. But despite the accolades from the press, a new poll suggests everyday Americans aren’t quite as enthusiastic about Uncle Joe’s performance on the international stage.

In a devastating blow to Biden, a new poll from Rasmussen Reports shows U.S. voters were less than impressed with how the president handled his recent trips abroad — and they aren’t sold on his foreign policy agenda, either.

Crunching the numbers

According to the Washington Examiner‘s Paul Bedard, the survey — conducted by Rasmussen and sponsored by National Pulse — was conducted June 16-17. Its results paint a bleak picture of Biden’s standing with voters after his first major trip abroad as commander-in-chief.

Case in point: Just 44% of respondents to the survey characterized Biden’s European trip as a success, Bedard said. Less than a quarter of respondents — 22% — rated it as “very successful.”

On the other hand, a full 40% of those surveyed considered the junket to have been an unsuccessful flop, a figure that includes 27% who said it was not successful at all. Fifteen percent were uncertain about the issue, according to Rasmussen.

Opinions on Biden’s foreign policy track record aren’t much more convincing. According to the poll, only 25% of voters said Biden’s approach to the issue is “excellent,” while 17% called it “good.”

Another 39% called Biden’s performance in the realm of foreign policy “poor.”

Underperforming Trump

As Bedard highlighted in his report, the numbers represent a worse showing for Biden than was seen by his predecessor. A Rasmussen survey from June of 2018 showed 47% of voters ranked then-President Donald Trump’s showing on the foreign policy front as either “excellent” or “good,” putting him 5 points ahead of Biden.

The current commander-in-chief’s mediocre foreign policy score may stem in part from a series of bizarre and embarrassing incidents by Biden at the recent G-7 conference.

In one instance, Biden interrupted U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson to introduce South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, apparently oblivious to the fact that Johnson had already mentioned Ramaphosa just a few moments prior, Business Insider reported.

Biden later rose eyebrows for appearing to confuse Syria and Libya multiple times during a G-7 presser, and he even seemed to get mixed up during his meeting with Putin in Russia, Fox News reported.

It’s hardly a surprise that voters are finally catching on.

The post Poll suggests voters aren’t impressed by Biden’s take on foreign policy first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Poll suggests voters aren’t impressed by Biden’s take on foreign policy Poll suggests voters aren’t impressed by Biden’s take on foreign policy Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on June 19, 2021 Rating: 5

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