Officials report more than 200 migrant deaths along border since October

Amid a continuing immigration crisis along the U.S.-Mexico border, statistics confirm the inherent dangers associated with illegally entering the nation.

As U.S. Customs and Border Protection recently revealed, there have been more than 200 migrant deaths since October as a result of attempting to cross the southern border — even as the Biden administration attempts to downplay the crisis. 

“Excessive heat and lack of fresh air”

One agency spokesperson explained that “the terrain along the border is extreme, the summer heat is severe, and the miles of desert migrants must hike after crossing the border in many areas are unforgiving.”

Accordingly, a number of migrants have died from dehydration, starvation, and heatstroke.

In addition to the deaths, CBP confirmed that it has performed more than 7,000 rescues at the southern border over the same period. The agency reportedly rescued over 60 migrants in just the past week.

An incident in Van Horn, Texas, involved 30 immigrants trapped in a locked moving truck. According to a CBP statement, they “were close to perishing due to excessive heat and lack of fresh air in temperatures still hovering near 100 degrees.”

Border agents in the Rio Grande Valley found some 20 migrants apparently abandoned by their smugglers. A number of them were reportedly suffering from dehydration.

“Thousands of square miles”

In yet another incident, the agency reportedly rescued an unresponsive migrant suffering from heat-related injuries. Despite their efforts, the area that CBP officials patrol is simply too expansive to rescue everyone, meaning some migrants inevitably die trying to cross the border.

“Although CBP does everything it can to locate and rescue individuals who are lost or distressed, the bottom line is this: there are thousands of square miles of mostly desert wilderness that extend immediately north of the border in our area of responsibility,” a spokesperson added.

Given the dangerous terrain and weather conditions, the agency is strongly urging migrants not to make the journey.

“CBP’s message for anyone who is thinking of entering the United States illegally along the Sothern border is simple: don’t do it,” the spokesperson said.

The risks do not appear to have slowed down illegal crossings, however. Last month alone, the CBP reportedly witnessed a record 180,000 migrants attempting to cross into the United States.

The post Officials report more than 200 migrant deaths along border since October first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Officials report more than 200 migrant deaths along border since October Officials report more than 200 migrant deaths along border since October Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on June 19, 2021 Rating: 5

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