Report: Police arrest former Black Lives Matter activist for lying about alleged murder

An Iowa City man who was once a leader in the Black Lives Matter movement was arrested by police on Saturday and charged with accessory to murder after the fact, the Washington Examiner reported.

Twenty-year-old Mazin M. Mohamedali allegedly lied to police about a murder that was committed in his apartment earlier this year.

According to the Examiner, police said the activist “knew that 19-year-old Quincy Russom had been killed in his Iowa apartment on Feb. 12 during a suspected robbery but waited to call 911” and report it.

Mohamedali allegedly “gave false descriptions of people involved with Russom’s death, lied during questioning, and withheld information that would have more quickly led them to the suspect behind the killing, Sammy Hamed,” the Examiner reported.

Non-cooperation and obstruction

Police said Mohamedali also wiped his call history from his phone and deleted apps including Snapchat, the Examiner noted. It was not clear how Mohamedali knew Hamed, why Hamed tried to rob him, or why Mohamedali covered up the murder, at least initially.

Mohamedali was previously arrested when a search warrant for his home led to the discovery of dozens of ecstasy pills and more than 56 grams of marijuana, the Examiner reported. His trial on those drug charges is reportedly set for late August.

Last summer, amid riots that transpired in the wake of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Mohamedali was one of several people arrested for tearing down a $5,000 fence outside Old Capitol Museum in Iowa City, according to the Examiner.

Six charges were reportedly levied against him in that incident, including unlawful assembly, disorderly conduct, trespass, fifth-degree criminal mischief, and second-degree criminal mischief, which is a felony, according to The Gazette.

In the end, Mohamedali pleaded guilty to only one misdemeanor related to the demonstrations, the Examiner said.

Left-wing hypocrisy

The news comes as support for Black Lives Matter has fallen from its height during widespread protests last summer. Although the organization has represented itself as a fighter for Black Americans harmed by police brutality, it has gotten a few black eyes in media circles lately, including when one of its co-founders made headlines for reportedly buying over $3 million in real estate despite being an avowed socialist.

Socialists aren’t supposed to believe in private property rights, so at best, Patrisse Khan-Cullors is a terrible hypocrite. At worst, she is emblematic of socialists who have used their positions to grab the best of everything for themselves while everyone else suffers.

Mohamedali claims that the police do more harm than good, but could you imagine a world where murderers were never punished and drug dealers like him were able to sell their wares without anyone to stop them?

The post Report: Police arrest former Black Lives Matter activist for lying about alleged murder first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Report: Police arrest former Black Lives Matter activist for lying about alleged murder Report: Police arrest former Black Lives Matter activist for lying about alleged murder Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on May 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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