Hypocrisy: Nancy Pelosi exposed as a fraud

California’s effort to reduce emissions is spending taxpayer dollars to remove the same wood-burning heat that congress recently incentivized, according to Just The News

The state where House Speaker Nancy Pelosi resides is accepting more than $2 million to put an end to the same heating program that Pelosi herself pushed to have incentivized as part of the COVID relief package.

According to the publication, Pelosi worked to make sure that there were tax credits available in the December COVID-relief bill for those who installed wood-burning systems.

The EPA is spending $2.1 million in a cooperative grant with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District to replace residential wood-burning systems such as stoves and fireplaces with electric heat pumps in the San Francisco Bay Area. The BAAQMD will be kicking in $205,000 toward the program,” Just The News reported.

The grant program was meant to target “low-income residents,” in an effort to prioritized “environmental justice communities,” who are supposedly the most impacted by the emissions issues facing the inner city.

Over the past several years, the grant program has reportedly spent tens of millions to assist with the switch to wood-burning heat.

“While the EPA is adding to the millions it has already spent on removing wood-burning devices, wood heat tax credits were part of the $900 billion COVID relief package Pelosi helped shepherd through Congress in December,” Just The News reported.

The grant going specifically to Pelosi’s district in California is projected for a five-year period, according to the report, which is much longer than the typical 12-month projects the EPA is involved with.

According to public spending watchdog group Open Books.com founder and CEO Adam Andrzejewski “It’s duplication nation.”

“Thoughtful and careful legislating is a thing of [the] past. Simultaneously giving tax credits to install wood-burning devices and grants to replace them (to save the environment) is a great example of congressional insanity.

“Congress has created a maze of bureaucracy and overlap. One agency doesn’t know what another agency is doing. Duplicative programs cost taxpayers billions of dollars, and it is government waste and mismanagement as far as the eye can see.”

Climate change has been a controversial issue from the outset, but it’s unlikely that taxpayers will take kindly to their finite resources working at odds with itself, funding and de-funding the same moving goal.

The post Hypocrisy: Nancy Pelosi exposed as a fraud first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Hypocrisy: Nancy Pelosi exposed as a fraud Hypocrisy: Nancy Pelosi exposed as a fraud Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on May 31, 2021 Rating: 5

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