Archbishop says Pelosi, other pro-abortion Catholics should not be given Communion

President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) might make a big show of being Catholic, but their support of the butchery of the unborn shows what they really worship: power. Although they often get a pass from the media, the archbishop of Pelosi’s own San Francisco diocese is calling out phony politicians who treat faith like a fashion accessory to be worn and disposed of as is convenient in the public arena.

In an impassioned letter, Salvatore Cordileone argues that Catholic public figures who support the “moral evil” of abortion should be denied Communion, the Washington Examiner reported.

Pelosi rebuked by her archbishop

Cordileone laments that abortion’s advocates cover up the evil of it in “sophistries,” and reprimands Catholics who have prestige in society, but use their position to “stubbornly” advocate, rather than condemn, the atrocity.

“In the case of public figures who profess to be Catholic and promote abortion, we are not dealing with a sin committed in human weakness or a moral lapse: this is a matter of persistent, obdurate, and public rejection of Catholic teaching,” he said.

Cordileone suggests the “bitter medicine” of exclusion from Communion is justified to discourage wayward Catholics from promoting what the catechism calls an “abominable crime.”

“Because we are dealing with public figures and public examples of cooperation in moral evil, this correction can also take the public form of exclusion from the reception of Holy Communion,” the archbishop said.

“This is a bitter medicine, but the gravity of the evil of abortion can sometimes warrant it,” he added.

Bishops look to set boundaries

The Church’s teachings are pretty clear cut, but Catholics like Biden and Pelosi often argue they are “personally” but not “publicly” opposed to abortion, a bit of equivocation that many say is hypocritical and self-serving.

Both are known for their ostentatiously pious — or “prayerful,” in Pelosi’s favorite terms — public personas.

While this charade has been allowed to go on by an obsequious and aggressively dishonest media, Catholic bishops are beginning to energetically discuss whether to make it clear that Biden does not have any clerical authority, despite the impression often given by the White House and its media lapdogs.

The Washington Post recently dubbed Biden “very Catholic” while maligning his critics in the clergy as reactionary zealots, and the White House asserted that Biden “respectfully disagrees” with the U.S. Conference of Bishops on the use of fetal tissue in research.

As Biden continues to flout the Church with impudence, the U.S. Conference of Bishops may discuss at a meeting in June whether he can receive the host, according to Fox News.

The post Archbishop says Pelosi, other pro-abortion Catholics should not be given Communion first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Archbishop says Pelosi, other pro-abortion Catholics should not be given Communion Archbishop says Pelosi, other pro-abortion Catholics should not be given Communion Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on May 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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