Ted Cruz blasts House election reform measures as ‘brazen and shameless power grab’ by Dems

For millions of Americans, it’s hard to imagine what America will look like after four years of the Biden administration. It’s hardly an exaggeration to say that many fear the country won’t survive the radical changes already underway.

But what might Democrats do with a century or more of unbroken power? Sounds like a nightmare, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and her fellow Dems are working on that right now, as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) reminded the country Wednesday.

In a thundering speech, Cruz explained how a so-called “voting rights” bill out of the House, H.R. 1, will enable a Democrat “power grab” by facilitating systematic election fraud, the Washington Examiner reported.

No. 1 priority

Having won the White House and both houses of Congress, Democrats are wasting no time pushing their radical agenda down America’s throat, while doing everything possible to establish one-party rule beyond Biden’s term.

We see this in a push for “voting rights” led by Biden and Democrats on the Hill. As they put it, any opposition to H.R. 1 is a racist attack on democracy that supposedly shows Republicans are secretly afraid they’ll lose if everyone votes. It’s “un-American” and “sick,” a throwback to Jim Crow, Biden declared at his first press conference as president Thursday, according to Politico.

This is how Democrats are choosing to frame a bill that, Cruz said, “will promote widespread fraud and illegal voting.”

“It is a brazen and shameless power grab by Democrats,” the senator insisted, according to the Washington Examiner. “It speaks volumes that this is H.R. 1 and S. 1, that the No. 1 priority of Democrats is…keeping Democrats in power for 100 years.”

One-party rule?

As Cruz pointed out, the bill could end up registering “millions” of illegal immigrants to vote by automatically registering anyone with a driver’s license, who receives welfare or unemployment, or who attends a public university.

The bill also — and this is just for starters — enfranchises millions of felons, targets voter ID requirements, and would “mandate” ballot harvesting, Cruz noted.

Of course, this is not the only push underway by Democrats to establish de facto one-party rule. With Democrats going full throttle on open borders, including the biggest and most brazen amnesty in American history, Cruz’s warnings on illegal immigrants voting are especially relevant.

It seems clear that Biden and his fellow Democrats are making a political calculation to consolidate power by simply importing new voters by the millions, while shouting down anyone who opposes their “voting rights” and “immigration reform” agendas as a bigot.

Americans who thought there was funny business in the 2020 election, you’ve seen nothing yet. Time for Republicans to locate their spines and stop this madness in its tracks.

The post Ted Cruz blasts House election reform measures as ‘brazen and shameless power grab’ by Dems first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Ted Cruz blasts House election reform measures as ‘brazen and shameless power grab’ by Dems Ted Cruz blasts House election reform measures as ‘brazen and shameless power grab’ by Dems Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 25, 2021 Rating: 5

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