Pelosi lays out plans to turn House into ‘factory’ for far-left agenda proposals: Report

Conservatives have long complained that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is preoccupied with the goal of pushing through various partisan proposals on the strength of the chamber’s slim Democratic Party majority.

Reports this week added to such concerns by describing Pelosi’s effort to turn the House of Representatives into a “factory” for passing a progressive agenda.

“Further off the deep end”

A Politico Playbook piece published on Wednesday explained that the speaker “laid out plans to turn her chamber the next two weeks into a factory for Democratic priorities” during a recent meeting with staff leadership.

Specifically, she reportedly expressed plans to enact proposals on issues such as election rules, gun control, immigration, and police reform.

The development drew a sharp response from Republicans, starting with National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Mike Berg.

“Nancy Pelosi has driven House Democrats further off the deep end during the Biden Administration and continues to prioritize their socialist agenda over helping people in need,” he asserted in a statement.

The recent warnings are nothing new, however, as evidenced by earlier statements from the likes of Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation’s Election Law Reform Initiative.

“Repugnant to the vast majoirty”

During an interview in January, he took particular aim at the so-called For The People Act, which is aimed at gutting many state-level election regulations related to voter identification and mail-in ballots.

“It’s a federal micromanagement of the election process, and everything that folks on the left want to reduce the integrity [and] the security of the election process is in there,” he complained at the time.

Von Spakovsky went on to insist that states including Alabama and Texas would see voter ID laws deemed “unenforceable” if the bill becomes federal law.

U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) shares those concerns, telling Breitbart on Tuesday: “We need to highlight the things that the socialist Democrats stand for,” describing them as “repugnant to the vast majority of the American citizenry” and predicting a “landslide year for Republicans in the House and in the Senate” as a result.

Republicans must only “let the Democrats do what they’re doing, publicize what they’re doing, fight it, and defeat it when we can” in order to ensure that “the public understands how egregious and how radical the socialist Democrat policies are.”

The post Pelosi lays out plans to turn House into ‘factory’ for far-left agenda proposals: Report first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Pelosi lays out plans to turn House into ‘factory’ for far-left agenda proposals: Report Pelosi lays out plans to turn House into ‘factory’ for far-left agenda proposals: Report Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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