Former Trump adviser predicts 3 indictments in Durham’s Russia probe

Despite his resignation, former U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation of the Russia collusion hoax is far from over.

One former Trump advisor, in fact, just guaranteed that Durham is going to indict at least three people before his investigation comes to an end. 

“I will guarantee that”

The man who is making this prediction is former Trump administration trade adviser Peter Navarro. He did so an in appearance over the weekend on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”

“There will be indictments, I will guarantee that, at least three indictments,” Navarro said.

Navarro also predicted something that he called “equally important.” He said that “there will be people that are going to be forced to leave the FBI because of their complicity in what happened.”

“This is a scandal that attacked democracy,” Navarro said. “It was a coup d’etat against a president that hadn’t been elected.”

The latest from Durham

The worry has always been that Durham’s investigation into the Russia collusion hoax would get undermined by the Biden administration. It briefly appeared that this worry may have come true when Durham announced his resignation from his U.S. attorney post last Friday.

“My love and respect for this Office and the vitally important work done here have never diminished,” Durham said. “It has been a tremendous honor to serve as U.S. Attorney, and as a career prosecutor before that, and I will sorely miss it.”

It turns out though, that former Attorney General William Barr’s plan to protect Durham’s investigation by making Durham a special counsel has worked out. The Biden administration, as is typically the case with any new administration, did ask Durham to resign from his U.S. attorney post, but it is allowing him to continue as special counsel.

What this means is that there is every possibility that Navarro’s prediction of at least three indictments could still happen.

Thus far, Durham has only managed to make one indictment. It was against a former FBI lawyer named Kevin Clinesmith who admitted to doctoring a CIA email in order to get authorization for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) wiretap of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Clinesmith only received a year of probation for this offense.

Other than this, Durham has come up empty, which has been a disappointment for Trump and Republicans. Maybe, as Navarro predicts, Durham will finish strong. We’ll see.

The post Former Trump adviser predicts 3 indictments in Durham’s Russia probe first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Former Trump adviser predicts 3 indictments in Durham’s Russia probe Former Trump adviser predicts 3 indictments in Durham’s Russia probe Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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