Congressional Democrats are on the verge of taking up Pres. Biden’s gun control measures

D.C. Democrats are making a gun control push.

Breitbart reports that Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) has introduced a piece of legislation that would establish universal background checks for all gun purchases, a notion backed by President Joe Biden and his radical leftist administration. 

Murphy’s bill

Known as the Background Check Expansion Act, what the bill would do is require all gun purchasers to be subjected to a background check. This would even include private sales.

Breitbart gives the example of an individual selling a 5-shot revolver to a lifelong neighbor. If Murphy’s bill is passed, then this sale would be illegal unless the purchaser underwent an FBI background check.

Advocates of such a policy as Murphy’s argue that it would help to keep guns out of the wrong hands. But, several shootings, such as the ones in Parkland, Florida, and Las Vegas, Nevada, to name two, disprove this theory as the shooters in both cases passed background checks for the purchase of firearms.

Further, as Breitbart points out, a piece of legislation like Murphy’s is usually a stepping stone for more gun control, such as a gun registry, gun registration, and even the rationing of gun purchases.

There’s more

Murphy’s bill is only one piece of gun control legislation that is available to Congress at the moment. Two other bills are Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s (D-TX) H.R. 125 and H.R. 127.

Breitbart, in a separate article, reports that these bills collectively “call for licensing of all gun owners, psychological evaluations for gun owners, mandatory liability insurance for gun owners, the registration of all firearms, the registration of all ammunition, and a seven-day waiting period on all semiautomatic firearms purchases, among other things.”

Both Murphy’s bill and Lee’s two bills are in line with the sort of legislation that President Joe Biden is calling upon Congress to pass.

Other gun control measures that, according to Breitbart, Biden would like to see include “a ban on ‘assault weapons,’ a ban on ‘high capacity’ ammunition magazines, and the repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, an Act which was put in place to shield gun makers from frivolous lawsuits.”

Looking ahead

At the moment, it is unclear whether Congress will take up any of these measures. But, this week, the National Rifle Association (NRA) put out a tweet warning that “sources in DC report that Congress will be voting on Biden’s extreme gun control legislation as early as next week. Possible that they will bypass committee process.”

If the NRA’s sources are right, then it appears that we may see Congress considering these pieces of legislation in the very near future.

The post Congressional Democrats are on the verge of taking up Pres. Biden’s gun control measures first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Congressional Democrats are on the verge of taking up Pres. Biden’s gun control measures Congressional Democrats are on the verge of taking up Pres. Biden’s gun control measures Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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