Border Patrol union president slams media for treating Biden with kid gloves

While it might have been expected that the mainstream media would not be as tough on President Joe Biden as they were on his predecessor, the current border crisis might be a test of how much journalists are willing to compromise on their putative principles.

Although the press denounced former President Donald Trump for allegedly keeping “kids in cages,” the public outcry is substantially quieter in response to similar moves by the Biden administration, and at least one immigration official is sounding the alarm.

“Kids in cages once again”

During a recent Fox News Channel interview, Brandon Judd, the president of the National Border Patrol Council, ripped the media’s mild response to the current administration.

As one example, the Washington Post attracted criticism earlier this year for a report that omitted references to “cages” in describing the facilities in which migrant children are being detained under Biden’s leadership.

The situation has only continued to deteriorate since then as photos and other evidence reveal facilities stretched far beyond their capacity and conditions that Democrats roundly denounced when Trump was in the White House.

Biden has faced some level of backlash from the media, though the toughest criticism has come from the GOP — including Trump himself.

For his part, Judd called out the apparent hypocrisy during his on-air conversation with Neil Cavuto, declaring: “Frankly, Neil, it’s kids in cages once again.”

“Biden re-introduced a magnet”

The union leader said that he is “wondering where the liberal media is and where is the outrage right now about holding the children in the same facilities that the last administration and even going back to the Obama administration was holding them in.”

He went on to criticize Biden for attempting to place the blame on Trump, noting that Mexico’s president is holding the current U.S. administration responsible.

“President Biden re-introduced a magnet that the last administration was able to get rid of,” Judd added.

Not only has the president re-opened detention facilities, but he is also limiting or denying reporters access. During his first solo press conference on Thursday, he dismissed questions on the matter, saying that he “doesn’t know” when the situation on the border will change.

For a president who touted his promise of “transparency” with the media, he appears unable to even clear the low bar set by the often obsequious press.

The post Border Patrol union president slams media for treating Biden with kid gloves first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Border Patrol union president slams media for treating Biden with kid gloves Border Patrol union president slams media for treating Biden with kid gloves Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 25, 2021 Rating: 5

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