Tucker Carlson warns Democrats are ‘more vicious in victory’: ‘Winning seemed to enrage them even more’

Despite spending four years raging against Donald Trump, Democrats seem angrier and more motivated to impose their will on America than ever now that Trump’s out of the White House, Fox News host Tucker Carlson warned.

Not content with Trump’s defeat, Democrats have become “more vicious in victory” as they pursue a campaign of totalitarian retribution against Fox News and anyone who questions their agenda, Carlson proclaimed in a chilling monologue Thursday.

Carlson has commented forcefully and often on an alarming crackdown on free speech that has seemed to build in intensity since the November election, even as many Democrats seem strangely discontented despite sweeping Trump and the Republicans from power.

“Winning seemed to enrage them”

On Thursday, the Fox host returned to the question of why Democrats seem so unhappy, despite achieving their long-held goal of defeating Trump. “They seethed for years while they were out of power, but winning seemed to enrage them even more,” he noted.

Carlson attributed the conspicuous, unabated rage on display at last week’s impeachment trial to a character defect that causes certain cruel and power-mad people, such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), to be miserable unless inflicting punishment on those weaker than them.

“Imagine being Adam Schiff’s landscaper, or Nancy Pelosi’s housekeeper, or anyone at their command?” he said, according to Fox.

“There’s a certain sort of low-character person who becomes more vicious in victory. Power makes them mean,” Carlson added. “The Ottomans destroyed the cities they captured, there was never a good reason to do this, to kill people who had already been captured and who had surrendered.”

Totalitarianism on the rise?

Carlson also warned that this deep-seated desire for power and revenge is driving “the most sweeping mass censorship campaign in the history of this country.”

He pointed to YouTube’s sudden decision to ban the pro-life website LifeSite and Twitter’s suspension of Project Veritas, as well as calls from the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post and CNN to shut down Fox News, as just a few examples of this totalitarian push to establish uniformity of opinion.

The left won’t rest until they have everyone mouthing the “platitudes” handed down from those in power, Carlson said.

“At this point, everyone else in the media is standing in crisp formation, in their starched matching uniforms and their little caps, patiently awaiting orders from the billionaire class,” he said. “And then there’s Fox News off by itself, occasionally saying things that are slightly different from everyone else.”

Democrats were incensed with Donald Trump’s acquittal in a second impeachment Saturday, which left Pelosi convulsing with anger at “cowards” in the Republican Party, the Daily Mail noted.

The post Tucker Carlson warns Democrats are ‘more vicious in victory’: ‘Winning seemed to enrage them even more’ first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Tucker Carlson warns Democrats are ‘more vicious in victory’: ‘Winning seemed to enrage them even more’ Tucker Carlson warns Democrats are ‘more vicious in victory’: ‘Winning seemed to enrage them even more’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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