Tucker Carlson: Biden’s immigration amnesty plan would ‘end our democracy’

President Joe Biden’s sweeping amnesty plan is based on a lie about the size of the illegal immigrant population it would benefit, Tucker Carlson revealed Wednesday.

Biden’s bill is a political power grab that will “end our democracy” and establish one-party rule by minting potentially tens of millions of new Democratic voters — many more than Biden and his allies are acknowledging publicly, Carlson warned during his self-titled Fox News program, according to Breitbart.

“It would end our democracy”

Going by the official numbers, Biden’s amnesty proposal would create at least 11 million new American citizens. That’s a population bigger than most U.S. states, as Carlson pointed out.

While that alone is huge, Biden and his allies are actually downplaying the profoundly negative consequences his amnesty plan would have for Americans.

Democrats have been veering sharply left on immigration for years, of course. The reason for this, many speculate, is that Dems believe open borders will increase the number of Democratic voters. That’s precisely the motivation behind Biden’s bill, Carlson said Wednesday.

The measure’s real purpose is to entrench the power of the Democratic Party and establish one-party rule — as for Americans, they will be disenfranchised, and left footing the bill for their new countrymen who Democrats want to provide with free health care, Carlson charged.

“In effect, it would end our democracy,” the Fox host said, according to Breitbart. “People who have lived here all of their lives, paid taxes, followed the rules, been good citizens, would find their votes diluted to the point of irrelevance.”

The left’s lies

The 11 million figure is also unreliable, Carlson said, but has been repeated ad nauseam by political leaders as if it’s an established fact — and Democrats are now latching onto it to jam through Biden’s proposal.

The number is derived from the Census Bureau, but it rests on a huge and shaky assumption: that the vast majority of illegal immigrants actually respond to surveys.

A 2018 estimate by MIT and Yale put the number as high as 30 million, while another from investment firm Bear Stearns in 2005 suggested the number was, at that time, 20 million, Carlson reported.

The point is no one — Joe Biden included — really knows how many people are actually living in America without authorization, so we can’t really know the full effect of the president’s amnesty plan before it passes. That’s just what Democrats want.

“They want you to believe it is 11 million always and forever,” Carlson said Wednesday, according to Breitbart. “And by the time you figure out they are lying to you, it will be too late to do anything about it, obviously.”

The post Tucker Carlson: Biden’s immigration amnesty plan would ‘end our democracy’ first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Tucker Carlson: Biden’s immigration amnesty plan would ‘end our democracy’ Tucker Carlson: Biden’s immigration amnesty plan would ‘end our democracy’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 26, 2021 Rating: 5

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