Report: CNN has spent less than 2 minutes on coverage of Cuomo sex scandal

Those in the mainstream media appear to be running interference for Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the wake of a damning allegation of sexual misconduct against him.

The Daily Caller reports that CNN “has given very little air time” to the allegations since Wednesday, the day former Cuomo staffer Lindsey Boylan came forward with additional disturbing details about her claims against the governor.

The Daily Caller revealed that as of 4 p.m. Friday, “NewsBusters reporter Curtis Huock found that [CNN had] only spent 96 seconds over two news briefs on the matter while MSNBC spent about nine minutes and 45 seconds on the topic.”

The time CNN did spend, according to the Daily Caller, was focused on Cuomo’s denial of Boylan’s claims.

Boylan’s claims

Boylan first voiced her accusations of sexual harassment against Cuomo back in December 2020, reportedly motivated by talk that the New York governor was a candidate to become the next U.S. attorney general. At the time, Boylan did not provide any specific details about what Cuomo did, and Cuomo denied the vague allegations before the issue faded from headlines.

Now, however, Boylan’s name is again in the news after she penned a Medium post alleging, among other things, that Cuomo had suggested to her on one occasion: “Let’s play strip poker.”

Boylan served as an economic adviser to the governor from 2015 to 2018, according to the Daily Caller. In her Wednesday article, she accused Cuomo of creating “a culture within his administration where sexual harassment and bullying is so pervasive that it is not only condoned but expected.”

The former staffer also wrote that Cuomo “would go out of his way” to touch her inappropriately and even kissed her “on the lips.”

“I was in shock, but I kept walking,” Boylan wrote.

Cuomo’s response

Caitlin Girouard, Cuomo’s press secretary, responded to Boylan’s allegations in a statement Wednesday.

“As we said before, Ms. Boylan’s claims of inappropriate behavior are quite simply false,” the statement read. Girouard went on to claim that she has evidence the alleged strip poker request “did not happen.”

Between this and a growing scandal over coronavirus-related deaths in nursing homes in his state, Cuomo is coming under heavy fire as of late. But as long as the mainstream media continues to inexplicably let him off the hook, it looks like the governor can rest easy for now.

The post Report: CNN has spent less than 2 minutes on coverage of Cuomo sex scandal first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Report: CNN has spent less than 2 minutes on coverage of Cuomo sex scandal Report: CNN has spent less than 2 minutes on coverage of Cuomo sex scandal Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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