Pres. Biden uses Parkland shooting anniversary to push gun control

This past weekend was the three-year anniversary of the Parkland, Florida, shooting that resulted in the death of 14 students and three teachers.

President Joe Biden, accordingly, took the opportunity to push gun control legislation. 

“We will take action”

Sunday on Twitter Biden released a lengthy statement on the Parkland shooting.

“Three years ago today, a lone gunman took the lives of 14 students and three educators at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida,” Biden wrote. “In seconds, the lives of dozens of families, and the life of an American community were changed forever.”

Biden continued this emotional appeal for another five-paragraphs before concluding with his real purpose: a call to action.

“Today,” Biden wrote, “I am calling on Congress to enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets.”

False assumptions

Breitbart’s Awr Hawkins points out that there are a number of issues with Biden’s statement.

The most important one is the implicit claim that something like “background checks on all gun sales” would actually stop the Parkland-type shootings. As Hawkins notes, the Parkland case itself disproves this since the shooter acquired his weapon after going through a background check.

Similarly, Biden, in his statement, also implies that gun control would stop the gun violence that is taking place in American cities. What he, of course, leaves out is the fact that many of those cities already have the sort of gun control measures that he wants.

The gun control called for by Democrats simply doesn’t work, but they continue to push it. On the other hand, as Hawkins points out, Democrats, including Biden, have rejected something that could actually work to prevent a Parkland-type shooting: arming teachers, which was suggested by a commission that produced a report on the Parkland Shooting.

Government-issued propaganda

The Parkland shooting was a terrible tragedy about which many of us still have deep feelings. We need to recognize that Biden’s statement is nothing more than an attempt to use these emotions to get us to support gun control measures that will do more to hurt us than to help us.

After all, good people follow the law, and bad people don’t. So, what good are gun control-type laws anyway?

The post Pres. Biden uses Parkland shooting anniversary to push gun control first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Pres. Biden uses Parkland shooting anniversary to push gun control Pres. Biden uses Parkland shooting anniversary to push gun control Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 16, 2021 Rating: 5

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