House Democrats move forward on deciding results of two contested House races

House Democrats are taking steps that could result in the overturning of two 2020 election races, including one Republican victory. 

The Washington Examiner reports that the House Administration Committee held a meeting on Friday.

The purpose of the meeting was to start the process of establishing the procedure that will be used for “contested election cases properly filed under the Federal Contested Election Act.”

Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District

One of the races that the House Administration Committee will be considering is the race for Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District. Rep. Marianette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) beat out Democrat Rita Hart by a margin of only six votes. There were a little under 400,000 votes cast in total.

Given the slim margin of victory, a recount and a recanvass took place. And, thereafter, Miller-Meeks was declared the winner. In fact, she has already been sworn into Congress.

This particular contested race has a bit of a wrinkle, which is that Hart decided not to challenge the result of the election in court. This is typically the route that candidates take.

Hart, instead, has filed her case with the House of Representatives Administration Committee. She alleges that 22 ballots that should have been included were not included in the final vote tally, and that, if these votes were to be included, then she would be the winner.

Miller-Meeks has sought to have this case dismissed on the grounds that Hart went against precedent by not first filing her case with the judiciary. The House Administration Committee has yet to rule on this motion.

Illinois’ 14th Congressional District

The other contested election case that the House Administration Committee will hear is the race for Illinois’s 14th Congressional District.

As things currently stand, Republican Jim Oberweis has been defeated by Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-IL). Oberweis, here, is challenging the results, and Underwood, a two-term representative, has filed a motion to dismiss. The margin of victory is roughly 5,300 votes.

This case is a lot less controversial than the first case.

But, at the end of the day, it is the House Administration Committee that, apparently, will get to have the final say on these races, which just seems wrong.

The post House Democrats move forward on deciding results of two contested House races first appeared on Conservative Institute.

House Democrats move forward on deciding results of two contested House races House Democrats move forward on deciding results of two contested House races Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 21, 2021 Rating: 5

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