Biden imposes new constraints on ICE agents to shield criminal illegal aliens from deportation

President Joe Biden just unveiled a new set of rules governing how U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents can do their jobs — and while foreign criminals can look forward to catching a break, everyday Americans have reason to worry.

According to Breitbart, the Biden administration’s new rules impose fresh constraints on the deportation of criminal illegal aliens and with that, effectively abolish the ability of ICE agents to keep America safe.

Under the terms of a memo released last Thursday, for the next 90 days, ICE agents will be required to obtain preapproval from a senior manager prior to deporting noncitizens who are not recent arrivals, a national security threat, or individuals with convictions for aggravated felonies. The document goes on to emphasize that “general criminal activity” by illegal aliens will henceforth not be regarded as “a national security threat.”

Close scrutiny

In its own report, Breitbart quoted an article from The Washington Post that said ICE officers will be placed under close scrutiny to ensure compliance with the new policy.

“Biden’s new rules require ICE field offices to submit weekly reports to Washington detailing the implementation,” the Post explained.

“A DHS [Department of Homeland Security] official, who spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity, said the increased transparency and accountability will ‘provide some opportunities for teachable moments’ and dialogue ‘about what enforcement actions were an appropriate allocation of resources, and where there might be improvements,'” the Post added.

Shielding potentially dangerous people

Breitbart also noted that under the Biden administration’s controversial new approach, undocumented migrants like Ivan Robles Navejas would have far less cause to fear deportation.

A citizen of Mexico, Navejas had a prior arrest for drunk driving and was out on bail after allegedly biting a man’s ear off when he was involved in a traffic accident last year that killed two U.S. Army veterans and two police officers.

The idea that Biden’s administration would go easy on criminal illegal immigrants is not surprising, however, given some of the rhetoric that he repeatedly used during last year’s presidential campaign.

“Change the culture”

In January 2020, then-candidate Biden said during a Vice News appearance that he would “change the culture” at ICE by firing agents who make arrests for non-felonious offenses.

“You change the culture by saying you are going to get fired,” Biden said during the interview, according to Inside Sources. “You are fired if, in fact, you do that,” he stressed.

“You only arrest for the purpose of dealing with a felony that’s committed, and I don’t count drunk driving as a felony,” the now-president added.

The post Biden imposes new constraints on ICE agents to shield criminal illegal aliens from deportation first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Biden imposes new constraints on ICE agents to shield criminal illegal aliens from deportation Biden imposes new constraints on ICE agents to shield criminal illegal aliens from deportation Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 21, 2021 Rating: 5

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