Surgeon general references wife’s cancer battle in personal plea for COVID-19 precautions

Surgeon General Jerome Adams has spent months advising Americans to practice social distancing and take other precautions in order to limit the spread of COVID-19. In his most recent warning, however, he included a very personal reason for his plea.

“My wife is being admitted to the hospital due to complications w/ her cancer treatment,” Adams revealed in a tweet on Thursday morning.

“What you do matters”

He went on to confirm that he is “not allowed to see her” because of pandemic-related precautions and hopes that “she doesn’t have to spend New Year’s in a hallway because the beds are full.”

The surgeon general used his own family’s trials to highlight the rising number of hospitalizations due to an elevated infection rate nationwide, adding: “What you do matters, even beyond COVID…”

About a month earlier, he addressed his wife’s health condition in another tweet, confirming that had recently been admitted to the hospital for unspecified complications. Additionally, he revealed that his mother “was admitted last night with a hip fracture & possible stroke.”

As Fox News reported, a recent study submitted to the JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics medical journal that found pandemic-related restrictions were negatively impacting treatment options for cancer patients.

“In March-July 2020 in comparison to 2019 there is a substantial decrease in cancer screening, biopsies, surgery, office visits, and therapy with variation by cancer type and site of service,” the study claimed.

“Never felt so alone”

Even before COVID-19, however, Adams’ wife, Lacey, expressed her fears and concerns upon learning that her condition had grown worse in 2018 — nearly a decade after she was first diagnosed with skin cancer.

“I got the news sitting in the carpool line, waiting to pick up my kids from school,” she said in a May 2019 interview with Women’s Health.

Lacey Adams recalled that her husband was away from home at the time and her “friends and family were more than 10 hours away” at the time.

“I was utterly wrecked and had never felt so alone,” she added, explaining that she later learned her cancer “had metastasized to a small area of tissue,” advancing to the potentially fatal stage 3C.

While intensive care units in hospitals across the nation are running out of beds, California is in worse shape than most states. As a result, some hospitals have turned away arriving ambulances and even resorted to treating patients in conference rooms or gift shops.

The post Surgeon general references wife's cancer battle in personal plea for COVID-19 precautions first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Surgeon general references wife’s cancer battle in personal plea for COVID-19 precautions Surgeon general references wife’s cancer battle in personal plea for COVID-19 precautions Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on January 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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