Trump receives nomination for peace prize

Fox News reports that President Donald Trump has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. 

The man who submitted the nomination is Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the Norwegian Parliament’s conservative party. It ought to be noted that this is the same parliament that puts together the committee that chooses the Nobel Prize winner.

Why Trump?

Tybring-Gjedde believes that President Trump ought to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his attempts to solve conflicts around the world.

“For his merit, I think he has done more trying to create peace between nations than most other Peace Prize nominees,” Tybring-Gjedde recently told Fox.

The most striking example of this is the recent peace deal that the Trump administration brokered between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Tybring-Gjedde highlighted this in the nomination letter that he sent to the Nobel Committee.

“As it is expected other Middle Eastern countries will follow in the footsteps of the UAE, this agreement could be a game-changer that will turn the Middle East into a region of cooperation and prosperity,” Tybring-Gjedde wrote.

A model of conflict resolution

Tybring-Gjedde, in his letter, went on to list other accomplishments of Trump’s that he finds particularly Nobel Prize-worthy.

He included Trump’s “key role in facilitating contact between conflicting parties and … creating new dynamics in other protracted conflicts, such as the Kashmir border dispute between India and Pakistan, and the conflict between North and South Korea, as well as dealing with the nuclear capabilities of North Korea.”

And, Tybring-Gjedde also called attention to Trump’s withdrawal of troops from the Middle East, which, according to Tybring-Gjedde, “has broken a 39-year-old streak of American Presidents either starting a war or bringing the United States into an international armed conflict.”

Rarefied company

Tybring-Gjedde had previously nominated President Trump for the Nobel Peace prize, back in 2018, following Trump’s summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, but Trump was not selected. Lest anyone get the idea that Tybring-Gjedde is just a bigtime Trump fan, he has stated that he is “not a big Trump supporter,” but that he thinks the Nobel Committee “should look at the facts and judge him on the facts – not on the way he behaves sometimes.”

If selected, Trump would be the fifth United States president to receive the award after Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama. It has to be said, though, that the committee’s selection of Obama was not without controversy.

We won’t know if President Trump receives the Nobel Peace Prize until October 2021 when the five-person Nobel Committee selects the next recipient. Given the Israel-UAE peace deal alone, we think that a strong case can be made for President Trump.

The post Trump receives nomination for peace prize first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Trump receives nomination for peace prize Trump receives nomination for peace prize Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 09, 2020 Rating: 5

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