Rassmussen: Voters in ‘riot zones’ prefer Trump 2-1 in new poll

A new Rassmussen poll showed that people in “riot zones”–cities where protests and violent riots have taken place–say they approve of the job President Donald Trump is doing by a 2-to-1 margin, and in much higher numbers than those who haven’t been impacted by the rioting directly. 

The survey discovered that 42% of likely voters had protests in their communities over the summer. Of that number, 48% say that the protests turned violent.

In the poll, 63% of riot zone voters strongly approve of the job Trump is doing versus 35% who strongly disapprove. Trump’s daily overall approval rating with likely voters stands at 51% according to Rassmussen, which is higher than former President Barack Obama’s 49% approval rating at the same point in his first term.

Rioting an important consideration of voters

76% of those who have experienced rioting said the issue was “very important” to their voting decision in the upcoming presidential election, compared to 65% of all likely voters.

Clearly, the riots are uppermost on a majority of voters’ minds, and the poll signals strongly that they think Trump will do a better job than Biden in getting them under control.

Until recently, Democrat nominee Joe Biden and most other Democrats had not even acknowledged the rioting and violence that has been taking place since late May around the country.

The DNC convention in August completely avoided the subject, but Biden was forced to condemn the violence after polls began to indicate that his failure to do so was hurting him with voters.

Many of the protests are believed to have been spearheaded by the Black Lives Matter organization and Antifa, organizations many Democrats support. While Biden tried to avoid directly condemning these groups, he eventually had to condemn Antifa as part of a blanket condemnation “across the board” of all violence.

Will riots help Trump in suburbs?

Democrats are now worried that riots in places like Kenosha, Wisconsin and Lancaster, Pennsylvania will help Trump win back suburban voters who fear that big-city riots might come to where they live.

Trump has struggled with suburban voters, especially women, who have sympathized with Democrat causes while not directly being impacted by riot violence.

It certainly doesn’t look like Democrats’ attempts to blame Trump for the violence or say that he wants it to happen are sticking with voters.

It’s pretty plain to see which presidential candidate will do what it takes to stop the violence and which one is just giving lip service to the idea.

The post Rassmussen: Voters in 'riot zones' prefer Trump 2-1 in new poll first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Rassmussen: Voters in ‘riot zones’ prefer Trump 2-1 in new poll Rassmussen: Voters in ‘riot zones’ prefer Trump 2-1 in new poll Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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