Pelosi may retire if Democrats lose the House, Rep. Rogers says

One congressman just made a surprising prediction.

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) believes that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) will retire if Democrats lose the House of Representatives this November. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) are also likely to retire in that case, Rogers said.


Rogers, the ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, made the prediction during a recent interview on Mobile, Alabama radio FM Talk 106.5, according to Breitbart.

“I think it depends on how the election turns out,” Rogers reasoned. “You know, she made a deal with the devil in the last cycle that if they let her be speaker for two more terms, she would retire. She’s 80-years-old right now. She’ll be 82 in one more term, assuming they keep the majority.”

According to Rogers, even if Democrats keep the house, something that places Pelosi’s future as Speaker in doubt is the party’s far-left faction, which is not happy with Pelosi’s leadership.

“The fact is, when the election is over, assuming Donald Trump is reelected, which I think he will be, she’s going to struggle to get them to honor the second half of that commitment to let her stay speaker,” he said.

“She’s gone”

Rogers went on to talk about what would happen to Pelosi if Republicans were to take the House this November.

“If we take the House back, she’s gone,” said Rogers. “I think she’ll go ahead and announce her retirement.”

Rogers went on to say that, if the Democrats lose the House, he would expect Hoyer and Clyburn to join Pelosi in retiring, which, in a weird sort of way, might not be a good thing.

“If that happens, you’ll see a complete sea change,” he said. “I think Pelosi, Hoyer, and Clyburn will all go ahead and announce their retirements because they’ll be overthrown and the new emerging leaders of that conference will be scary to most Americans, who are in the middle of the political spectrum.”

Will it happen?

Those in the know believe that Democrats will keep control of the House of Representatives this November. To conclude from this that Pelosi, Hoyer, and Clyburn will not retire would be a fallacious piece of reasoning.

We’re afraid, though, that Rogers might be right about one thing: Pelosi is likely to be replaced by a Democrat who is even more radical. We dread that day.

The post Pelosi may retire if Democrats lose the House, Rep. Rogers says first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Pelosi may retire if Democrats lose the House, Rep. Rogers says Pelosi may retire if Democrats lose the House, Rep. Rogers says Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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