‘Now the gloves are off’: Trump attacks Biden as ‘totally unfit to be president’

President Donald Trump announced that the “gloves are off” in his battle against Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and the far-left progressives and socialists who back him.

Trump’s comments came during a campaign rally in Henderson, Nevada on Sunday, after the Biden campaign aired an ad based on The Atlantic’s anonymously-sourced allegations that Trump had disparaged fallen military members.

“Gloves are off” against Biden

The president began his remarks by paying homage to the pair of Los Angeles Sheriff’s deputies who were shot in an ambush the night before, The Washington Times reported.

“The radical left in America is waging open war on law enforcement,” Trump said, going on to make it clear that his administration stood in support of the men and women who enforce the laws. “Sleepy Joe Biden and his supporters continue their dangerous war on the police,” he added, pointing out how Biden and most Democrats had, up until just recently, been silent or even supportive of the lawlessness.

The president then moved on to complain about ads from the Biden campaign based on The Atlantic’s explosive, anonymous allegations, which have been refuted by numerous current and former officials. “So once he did that, I said, ‘Now, really, look, it’s okay. It’s okay, because now the gloves are off.’ I can say that this man is totally unfit to be president. Up here, he’s totally unfit. He can’t be your president,” Trump said. Watch below:

Trump on the attack

And with that, Trump went into attack mode, repeatedly slamming his electoral opponent throughout the remainder of the rally speech.

He knocked Biden over his increasingly apparent mental decline and inability to resist the far-left’s march toward Marxism in terms of proposed policies, along with pointing out Biden’s failures when it comes to foreign policy decisions and trade deals.

Trump repeatedly circled back to his underlying “law and order” message and hammered home the point that he supported law enforcement while accusing Biden and the Democrats of trying to defund and hamstring the police across the country.

The Times also noted that Trump took a few shots at Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), who he described as “the worst.”

“We’re going to have a woman president some day,” he said at one point, adding, “Not going to be her.”

With the election rapidly approaching in less than 50 days, it is indeed clear that the “gloves are off.” Biden apparently agrees, saying “yes” to a reporter who asked him if the “gloves were off” on Monday.

The post 'Now the gloves are off': Trump attacks Biden as 'totally unfit to be president' first appeared on Conservative Institute.

‘Now the gloves are off’: Trump attacks Biden as ‘totally unfit to be president’ ‘Now the gloves are off’: Trump attacks Biden as ‘totally unfit to be president’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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