Huge numbers of mail-in ballots had to be rejected in Nevada and Michigan

There are no problems with mail-in voting, right? Wrong.

Breitbart reports that both Michigan and Nevada in recent elections have had to reject large numbers of mailed-in ballots. 

The dead are voting, again

Let’s start with the recent Michigan primary that took place on August 4th. It is being reported that Michigan clerks have had to reject 10,694 mailed-in ballots.

Why? For all sorts of reasons.

2,225 ballots were rejected because the envelope lacked the voter’s signature and 1,111 ballots were discarded because the voter had moved after submitting the ballot. But, here’s the most shocking one: 846 ballots were rejected “because the voter was dead.”

Examples are multiplying

Similar problems occurred in Clark County, Nevada, where an election was recently held. There, it is being reported that more than 223,000 ballots were “undeliverable.”

In contrast to many areas, Clark County actually decided to have an all-mail election, meaning that voting was entirely done by mail. 1,325,934 ballots were mailed out, 305,000 were returned, and 223,469 were undeliverable.

Reports indicate that 58 percent of the undeliverable ballots “belonged to inactive voters.” 92,337 of the undeliverable ballots belonged to Democrats, 53,129 to Republicans, and 78,003 to nonpartisan or third party voters.

Problems galore

When Republicans talk about the problems of mail-in voting, they are accused of all sorts of things from harboring conspiracy theories to disseminating disinformation. Dead people voting would certainly fall under the former. Yet, it happened.

But, the problem with mail-in voting is bigger than just this type of fraud, as these two cases demonstrate. Here is just one question that arises: what happens to those voters whose ballots were legitimate but ultimately rejected for some technical flaw, such as forgetting to put one’s signature on the envelope? Are they simply not counted, thereby disenfranchising a large group of people?

Some officials are demanding that if mail-in voting is going to feature prominently in the upcoming general election then there ought to be some kind of system in place to address this problem. But, the systems suggested are usually something along the lines of getting in touch with the voter and fixing the flaw. Here, though, we run into another problem – it’s just not practical to do something like this, particularly in a nationwide election.

The point here is that there are all kinds of legitimate concerns about mail-in voting. Yet, we have Democrats claiming that voicing these concerns is disinformation. I wonder why that is . . .

Huge numbers of mail-in ballots had to be rejected in Nevada and Michigan Huge numbers of mail-in ballots had to be rejected in Nevada and Michigan Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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