George Soros is showing no signs that he’ll be changing his ways.
On his 90th birthday, the progressive billionaire came out to express his confidence that the “very dangerous” Trump presidency will soon dissipate like a bad dream, the Washington Examiner reported.
Soros shared his views on Donald Trump, America’s democracy, and the Constitution with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica in an article published Wednesday.
“A confidence trickster”
Speaking with the paper, the billionaire financier expressed his dismay that America has been led by a “confidence trickster” for the last four years, but said he is “hopeful” that the Trump presidency will dissolve like a “transitory phenomenon.”
According to Soros, Trump somehow “[undermined] democracy” by winning the 2016 election, a problem that thankfully can be rectified using the “checks and balances” included in the Constitution — or, in Soros’ case, writing big checks.
“Even in the United States, a confidence trickster like Trump can be elected president and undermine democracy from within,” Soros said, as the Examiner reported. “But in the U.S. you have a great tradition of checks and balances and established rules. And above all, you have the Constitution.
“So I am confident that Trump will turn out to be a transitory phenomenon, hopefully ending in November,” he added, according to the Examiner.
Soros invests big to stop Trump
Soros also told the Italian paper that until Trump is gone, he “remains very dangerous,” because “he’s fighting for his life and he will do anything to stay in power.”
The billionaire is putting his money where his mouth is to ensure that the 2020 election — which he says will decide “the fate of the world” — goes his way, pouring a record $50 million into supporting Democratic candidates this November, more than double what he contributed during the 2016 election cycle.
Soros also shared Wednesday his thoughts on the coronavirus, calling it a “revolutionary” moment with a “range of possibilities.”
“We are in a crisis, the worst crisis in my lifetime since the Second World War. I would describe it as a revolutionary moment when the range of possibilities is much greater than in normal times,” Soros told La Repubblica, according to the Examiner. “What is inconceivable in normal times becomes not only possible but actually happens. People are disoriented and scared. They do things that are bad for them and for the world.”
If Soros is this concerned about Trump, the president must be doing something right.
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