Columnist: Biden’s ‘serious cognitive decline’ is real reason left wants to cancel presidential debates
A growing number of pundits are calling for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden to avoid debating President Donald Trump.
While they generally cite concerns about Trump’s ability to speak honestly in such a forum, one columnist for the Daily Telegraph argues there is a more self-serving reason: Biden’s supporters do not want voters to see his apparent cognitive decline on display.
“Keeping Joe Biden in the basement”
In a recent Sky News Australia interview, Miranda Divine said Biden’s allies are “all saying ‘No, no, please don’t do, whatever you do, don’t debate Trump.'”
Divine claimed that the same aides are denying their true motive is to downplay the “serious cognitive decline” Biden is experiencing.
“Anyone who’s seen him up close, as I have, knows and can tell from a mile off,” she said. “It’s all about keeping Joe Biden in the basement because he’s actually doing nothing.”
For his part, the former vice president has dismissed any suggestion that he should take a test to verify his cognitive abilities.
“Come on, man”
“No, I haven’t taken a test,” he said in response to CBS News correspondent Errol Barnett’s question on the subject. “Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man. That’s like saying to you before you got on this program if you had taken a test were you taking cocaine or not. What do you think, huh? Are you a junkie?”
He went on to reference Trump’s acknowledgment that he took such a test, alleging that the president “can’t figure out the difference between an elephant and a lion.”
Biden told reporters that he “can hardly wait to compare” his cognitive function to that of his rival.
A representative for Biden’s campaign defended his remarks, asserting that Barnett asked “a preposterous question deserving of a response that showed the absurdity of it all.”
The Biden camp is sure to continue expressing confidence in their candidate’s ability to take on Trump in any arena. With so many Democrats clamoring to prevent the presidential debates voters need to gauge a White House hopeful’s capabilities, however, there is obviously some uncertainty about his competence.

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