CNN editor implies Joe Biden may be preparing to ‘step aside’ after VP announcement

Presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden just announced that he’s chosen Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) as his running mate after months of teasing and speculation.

Just hours afterward, CNN editor-at-large Chris Cilizza published an op-ed implying that Joe Biden could have chosen Harris in preparation for a scenario in which Biden is forced to withdraw.

Democrats show their hand

Establishment Democrats are ecstatic that Biden chose Harris as his vice president due to her highly authoritarian track record as a prosecutor in California.

Democrats have also tacitly admitted for weeks now that Biden’s faculties appear to be slipping — a rumor that’s reinforced every time Biden makes an unscripted public appearance.

As such, Biden’s running mate is more likely to have to take over the reins during Biden’s first term than any other vice president in recent memory.

Cilizza wrote in his op-ed: “Joe Biden thinks he is going to win the White House in 84 days’ time. That’s the unmistakable message he sent” when he announced his official choice on Tuesday afternoon.

Cilizza went on to explain that because Biden holds a strong lead over Trump in the polls currently, Biden wants “wants the race to be about him as little as possible” in order to keep the spotlight on Trump’s mistakes.

“What Biden did is make the pick that maximized his chances of continuing to make the race a straight referendum on Trump while also selecting someone, in Harris, whose resume suggests will be ready to step in if and when Biden decides to step aside.”

Rumors abound

A Rasmussen Reports poll released on Monday revealed that a whopping 59 percent of likely voters believe that Biden won’t be able to make it through his first term in the White House.

Biden didn’t help the rumors when he said in early June that he was looking for a running mate that is “ready to be president on day one.”

GOP leaders have long warned that Biden is being used by radical activists to accomplish their goals in the White House. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) warned last week that “Joe Biden’s campaign really is a Trojan horse for the far Left, the Democratic Party.”

With Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities apparently declining, Harris is already being touted as the primary face of the Biden campaign — possibly a sign of things to come.

CNN editor implies Joe Biden may be preparing to ‘step aside’ after VP announcement CNN editor implies Joe Biden may be preparing to ‘step aside’ after VP announcement Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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