Warren Informs Voters That Her Secretary Of Education Will Be Hand Selected…By A ‘Trans Child’

Speaking at a townhall event in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, senator and presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren exuberantly told the crowd that if elected president, her Secretary of Education would have to be vetted by a nine-year-old girl who identifies as a boy. The child asked her a question at a CNN presidential candidate forum about gay and transgender issues last October.

A member of the townhall crowd asked Warren, “How would you make education inclusive for all backgrounds?”

Warren responded: I love this question. And the answer is: We need a Secretary of Education who believes in public education. In fact, I have two qualifications that I talk about over and over for my Secretary of Education. The first: It has to be someone who’s taught in a public school, hello? And part 2, because it came from a young trans person who asked about a welcoming community and I said it starts with a Secretary of Education who has a lot to do with where we spend our money, with what gets advanced in our public schools, with what the standards are, and I said, “I’m going to have a Secretary of Education that this young trans person interviews on my behalf, and only if this person believes that our Secretary or Secretary of Education nominee is absolutely committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment, and a full educational curriculum for everyone will that person actually be advanced to be Secretary of Education.

The child Warren was apparently referencing was a young girl who goes by the name of Jacob. – READ MORE

Warren Informs Voters That Her Secretary Of Education Will Be Hand Selected…By A ‘Trans Child’ Warren Informs Voters That Her Secretary Of Education Will Be Hand Selected…By A ‘Trans Child’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on January 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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