Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore admitted in a Democracy Now! interview posted Thursday that if the 2020 presidential election were held today, President Donald Trump would be re-elected, Fox News reports.
“If the vote were today, I believe, he would win the electoral states that he would need, because, living out there, I will tell you, his level of support has not gone down one inch,” Moore said. “In fact, I’d say it’s even more rabid than it was before, because they’re afraid now. They’re afraid he could lose, because they watched his behavior. So they are voracious in their appetite for Donald Trump. That’s the bad news.”
Moore said he thinks Trump will win the Electoral College in 2020, but lose the popular vote by “four or five million,” more than the three million by which he lost in 2016.
Another Hillary Clinton?
Not surprisingly, Moore thinks that the best way to beat Trump is to stay away from “moderate” candidates like former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN).
“What we have to do is we have to make sure we don’t give them another Hillary Clinton to vote for,” Moore said — despite the fact that most polls show no more than 20–25% support for far-left liberal progressives.
“Polarization is always talked about like it’s a bad thing. I think it’s a good thing,” Moore said, noting that most people are either for or against the impeachment and removal of President Trump. (He did ignore the fact that the majority is now against impeachment and removal, however.)
“Our side has got to take this by the reins,” Moore declared, “and it’s got to have the courage of our convictions to fight this. And if we do this, then [Trump] won’t win the electoral states.”
Trump: A two-term president?
As usual, Moore is wrong about where the country’s political leanings currently are. In fact, America has never been a left-leaning nation, but is typically more center-right.
That’s why Biden now has the most support among Democrats, according to The New York Times, even though he may have gotten a Ukrainian prosecutor fired to stop him from investigating his son and even though he doesn’t seem to have all of his mental faculties anymore.
Biden is the only top-tier candidate not espousing socialist policies like universal single-payer health care and free college tuition. If you look at Iowa, South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg — another “moderate” — is also gaining support, the Times notes.
There is no evidence a progressive candidate could get 50% or more of Americans’ votes come Election Day 2020. It has never happened, and isn’t even happening now within the Democratic Party.
Moore is living in a fantasy world if he thinks a progressive candidate is going to win the 2020 election. But he is right about one thing: if nothing significant changes, Trump has a very good chance of being re-elected.
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