Hillary Lectures GOP Sen. John Kennedy On Ukraine Election Interference…Sets Off A Twitter Landmine!

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) has been making the media rounds over the last few weeks to discuss all things impeachment, but one thing he’s alleged that has gotten the most attention from the mainstream media and their Democratic allies is that Ukraine also interfered in the 2016 election.

The most recent interview he did where he repeated the allegation was during an exchange with NBC’s Chuck Todd on Sunday where Todd claimed Kennedy had been “duped”:

NBC host Chuck Todd pushed back at the Louisiana Republican by saying that the US intelligence community had concluded that Russia was behind the interference and that Russian President Vladimir Putin was pushing the Ukraine angle to get the Kremlin off the hook.

“I think both Russia and Ukraine meddled in the 2016 election. I think it’s been well documented in the Financial Times, in Politico, in The Economist, in the Washington Examiner, even on CBS,” Kennedy said.

Kennedy also pointed to a report in the New York Times that said a Ukrainian court had ruled in December 2018 that some of the country’s officials violated Ukraine law by interfering in the election.


“You have done exactly what the Russian operation is trying to get American politicians to do. Are you at all concerned that you’ve been duped?” Todd asked.

Axios was among many news outlets that reported on the Todd/Kennedy interview, with many of them (erroneously) stating the claims were debunked, discredited, etc.:

Clinton caught wind of the Axios report and tweeted out some questions for Kennedy:

Kennedy responded in kind:

Beyond the “bless your heart” greeting, though, is the audacity of Hillary Clinton complaining about others dividing the country and spreading conspiracy theories about the 2016 election, which she lost fair and square but still refuses to accept:

Not only that, but there’s the little matter of Kennedy being right on the number of credible media reports about Ukraine’s interference in the 2016 election:

Andrea Mitchell can say otherwise, but the facts laid out by The Federalist’s Chrissy Clark are real articles with real claims about Ukrainians wanting Hillary Clinton to win (including that infamous Politico item).

Silly me. I forgot that election interference by a foreign country only matters when Democrats and the media say it does.

Via RedState

Hillary Lectures GOP Sen. John Kennedy On Ukraine Election Interference…Sets Off A Twitter Landmine! Hillary Lectures GOP Sen. John Kennedy On Ukraine Election Interference…Sets Off A Twitter Landmine! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on December 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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