Trump enemy Michael Wolff: Every magazine is ‘dead or will die shortly’

Trump enemy Michael Wolff, author of the controversial book “Fire and Fury,” is declaring journalism dead.

Given that Wolff isn’t much of a journalist himself, it’s a pronouncement that should be taken with a grain of salt.

Magazines are dead

Wolff, who has played the part of critic, essayist, and internet entrepreneur, most recently captured another 15 minutes of fame as a White House scandalmonger, in the critically panned fantasy novel Fire and Fury, an imaginative take on the early days of the Trump administration.

At the time, Wolff’s work was criticized for glaring inaccuracies – inaccuracies that he blithely shrugged off with the startling claim “I am barely a journalist.”

“I am an observer: I investigate nothing. All I do is look and write what I see and what I hear, and my job — which has nothing to do with truth — is to take what I see and what I hear and write that in a way that readers can come [as close] as possible — as close as I came — to the experience of doing this,” he says.

“I’m not a political journalist. I’m not, frankly, all that much interested in politics,” he continued. “I’m a writer. I’m barely a journalist, actually. I am a writer.”

What he lacks in professionalism, he makes up for with ennui. It seems, that after making his millions off of gullible and Trump-obssessed Beltway types, Wolff is tired of the subject of Trump.

Mediaite reports him saying:

“Every magazine I have ever worked for, and I have worked for them all, is dead or will die shortly,” he explained. “For another thing, Donald Trump is the one consuming subject, sucking all views and opinions into his void, and on this issue I have nothing left to say.”

“Still, even with the collapse of so many journalistic enterprises, many of my former colleagues still go on at great and constant unpaid length on social media or, scrambling for a pay-per-appearance contract, as desperately willing pundits on cable television. Why? People are afraid, it seems, to say nothing,” Wolff proclaimed. “I’m looking forward to trying.”

We’re looking forward to you doing nothing as well Michael.

Trump enemy Michael Wolff: Every magazine is ‘dead or will die shortly’ Trump enemy Michael Wolff: Every magazine is ‘dead or will die shortly’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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