Pelosi caved on impeachment because she’s ‘at risk of losing her speakership’, says GOP Rep. Brooks

According to one Alabama Republican, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has no desire to impeach President Trump. However, she is being forced to do so against her better judgment because her speakership position is at risk.

That’s the opinion of Rep. Mo Brooks, who made the claim during an episode of “The Jeff Poor Show.”

“[B]ear in mind, Nancy Pelosi did not want to go through this process unless there was bipartisan support for it,” Brooks told Poor.

“She made plenty of public statements last year to that effect. But she is at risk of losing her speakership because Nancy Pelosi, believe it or not, is considered to be too conservative by the majority of the members of the Democratic conference in the House of Representatives.”

“That put her in a very perplexing position,” he continued. “Ultimately, she yielded to her far-left wing. And we are where are because of that.”

Conflict with “The Squad”

It’s no secret that far-left members of Pelosi’s caucus have both long supported impeachment and chaffed under her leadership.

One of them is “Squad” member Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). On election night in 2018, Tlaib pledged to “impeach the motherf—–” and later began marketing t-shirts bearing that slogan.

“Lean in with me to hold this lawless President accountable. Together, we will fight back and protect our democracy,” Tlaib said in a tweet advertising the shirts.

Meanwhile, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) isn’t satisfied with just removing President Trump: in September she introduced an impeachment resolution against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

“I believe Christine Blasey Ford. I believe Deborah Ramirez. It is our responsibility to collectively affirm the dignity and humanity of survivors,” Pressley said in a statement. “We must demand justice for survivors and hold Kavanaugh accountable for his actions.”

Yet while impeachment may be popular among the more radical members of Congress, much of the public seems less enthused.

A recent survey published by Emerson Polling found that support for impeaching Trump “has flipped since October” with forty-five percent now opposed compared to forty-three percent who are in favor. It also noted that “the biggest swing is among Independents” — a group that Democrats need to win over if they hope to succeed next year.

Pelosi caved on impeachment because she’s ‘at risk of losing her speakership’, says GOP Rep. Brooks Pelosi caved on impeachment because she’s ‘at risk of losing her speakership’, says GOP Rep. Brooks Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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