Liberal fixation on Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s health grows after recent hospitalization

If you ever want to know how Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is feeling at any given time, just open up Twitter. You’ll know she’s under the weather when liberals start offering their organs.

That happened again last weekend after Ginsburg was hospitalized for an undisclosed infection, and fans offered whatever body parts she might need, while others asked to die in her place, with one obsessed follower tweeting, “God take me instead.”

Progressives’ obsession

Clues to the justice’s health status can also be gleaned when her liberal devotees concoct outlandish plans to protect her body from harm. After she sustained a fall last year, late-night host Jimmy Kimmel proposed putting Ginsburg in giant bubble.

“For obvious reasons, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is someone we need to protect at any cost,” the comedian insisted. “We need her to keep going for another, like, maybe eighty years.” Watch below:

There are two main reasons why leftists worry so much about Ginsburg’s well-being. The first is that she’s one of the most liberal justices on the Supreme Court, and if her seat were to open up, then President Trump has promised to nominate a judicial conservative as her replacement.

What’s more, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has pledged to make sure such a nominee is confirmed, even if the vacancy occurs before the 2020 election.

The second source of concern is that, when it comes health issues, Ginsburg has already experienced plenty.

Long history of problems

In August, Politico reported that the octogenarian jurist underwent treatment for a pancreatic tumor and had a stent implanted. That followed treatment she underwent late last year for lung cancer, which required the removal of two cancerous nodules.

Ginsburg’s lung cancer may have gone undetected had she not sustained a serious fall, which resulted in the fracturing of three ribs. It was this fall that inspired Kimmel’s bubble sketch.

Previous health scares included another bout with pancreatic cancer in 2009 and a colon cancer diagnosis in 1999.

During an interview with Martin Savidge following Ginsburg’s most recent hospitalization, Supreme Court analyst Joan Biskupic admitted that liberals had serious cause for concern, stating that, “Yes, Democrats are nervous.”

“She’s the senior liberal on the bench,” Biskupic explained. “If she were to feel the need to step down, it would transform this Supreme Court. But you know they’ve been anxious about it.”

Liberal fixation on Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s health grows after recent hospitalization Liberal fixation on Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s health grows after recent hospitalization Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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